普京还剩多少时间? 他所谓的疾病的预后
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Rumors about the health of Vladimir Putin continue. Blood cancer, thyroid cancer, Parkinson’s disease, mental disorders – these are just some of the diseases that are attributed to the dictator. And although there are many voices that these “diagnoses” are pure speculations, and the president is in fact quite in good shape, unofficial journalistic investigations point to something completely different. And this raises the question: How long time has Putin left? Below we explain the prognosis of patients with “his diseases”.

  1. 弗拉基米尔·普京的随行人员非常小心,没有关于他的健康的消息被曝光
  2. Recently, however, information has emerged from high-ranking people from intelligence that the president suffers from a severe form of cancer and has no more than three years of life left.
  3. 最常归因于普京的肿瘤或痴呆症的预后取决于许多因素
  4. 更多信息可以在 Onet 主页上找到


在有关弗拉基米尔·普京健康的报道中,关于肿瘤疾病的猜测占主导地位。 它通过诸如《独立报》所获得的信息得到增强。 该报援引 FBS 的话说, Putin “is no more than two to three years old”. The president is to suffer from a “severe form of rapidly progressing cancer”.

特勤局官员 Borys Karpyczkow 在接受《星期日镜报》采访时说 普京头痛欲裂,视力下降. «(...)当他出现在电视上时,他需要一张纸,所有内容都用大写字母写成,才能阅读他要说的话——他说。

Reports about the deteriorating health of Vladimir Putin have been strongly denied by Sergey Lavrov, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In an interview with the French channel TF1, he said that in his opinion the president had no signs of ailments attributed to him. He also noted that despite his age (he will be 70 in October), he is very active and often appears in public. «You can watch him on screens, read him and listen to his speeches. I leave it to the conscience of those who spread such rumors »- he added.


Until now, it was believed that the president suffered from thyroid cancer. It is a disease that most often affects middle-aged and mature people, initially showing almost no symptoms. One of the first symptoms that patients notice is a tumor within the thyroid gland, but signs of cancer may also include: enlarged lymph nodes, hoarseness, wheezing or shortness of breath, although these symptoms indicate rather advanced stage of cancer.

甲状腺癌的预后很大程度上取决于其类型。 发生频率最低的一种(5-10% 的病例),即甲状腺未分化癌,是最严重的。 这种类型的癌症生长非常迅速,极具侵袭性,并且对最常见的癌症治疗没有反应。 尽管切除了带有恶性肿瘤细胞的腺体,但大多数患者在诊断后六个月内死亡。

其他类型的甲状腺癌较轻,大多数患者有机会治愈。 据估计,在分化型病例(甲状腺滤泡癌和甲状腺乳头状癌)中,康复的机会高达 90%。



Recently, there is more and more talk that Putin suffers not from thyroid cancer, but from blood cancer. Such information was provided by New Lines Magazine, whose journalists referred to the statement by the oligarch associated with the Kremlin. He was to say that the dictator is “very sick” and suffers from “cancer of the blood”.

从医学的角度来看,这些都是非常广泛的普遍性,在此基础上不仅很难确定预后是什么,而且甚至很难确定我们正在处理的具体疾病。 “血癌”一词不仅包括不同类型的白血病,还包括淋巴瘤和骨髓瘤。

在急性白血病的情况下,预后并不是最差的,但前提是要足够早地发现疾病。 早期诊断和精心选择的治疗可以挽救多达 80% 的生命。 患者。 但是,如果没有及时诊断出癌症,患者甚至可能在发病后几个月内死亡。

谈到慢性白血病,确诊患者的平均预期寿命为七年。 但是,也有病人完全康复的情况。

淋巴瘤的预后难以估计,因为除了诊断时的癌症分期外,还涉及疾病的类型。 淋巴瘤的类型包括发展非常缓慢的类型,但也包括最恶性的类型。 然而,已知有长达数年的快速诊断和成功治疗的淋巴瘤病例。

对于多发性骨髓瘤,许多患者多年来一直接受诊断。 这种血癌虽然无法治愈,但适当的治疗不仅可以延长寿命,还可以显着增加其舒适度。



第一个涉及全球多达 50 万人。 老年痴呆症(或老年痴呆症)是一种影响大脑多个区域的大脑工作,导致器官组织退化、退化,甚至部分丧失的疾病。

在诊断出患有痴呆症后,您可以存活数年。 问题不在于预期寿命,而在于其质量。 痴呆症的进行性症状显着影响日常功能,剥夺患者的基本技能和认知能力。 The comfort of life can be improved by appropriately selected therapy (eg cognitive-behavioral therapy) and physical activity.

普京也被认为患有帕金森氏病,这可以通过注意到手的颤抖和运动(包括面部肌肉)减慢来证明。 帕金森氏症患者的预期寿命现在是 20 年。 疾病的并发症通常是患者死亡的直接原因这是中枢神经系统退化的结果。 最常见的是肺炎和心血管疾病。

你会患乳腺癌吗? 执行 Medonet Market 提供的肿瘤标志物测试。 在 Medonet Market,您还可以找到针对男性和女性的其他癌症标志物的研究。

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