


Dill belongs to the annual herbaceous plants of the umbrella family, like cilantro and parsley.莳萝属于伞形科的一年生草本植物,如香菜和欧芹。 Dill can be seen in the wild in southwestern and central Asia, Iran, North Africa and the Himalayas.在西南和中亚,伊朗,北非和喜马拉雅山的野外都可以看到莳萝。 As a garden plant, dill is found on all continents.作为一种园林植物,莳萝遍布世界各大洲。

This spring greens are in great demand with us: with it, any dish becomes more aromatic and tasty.今年春季,我们对蔬菜的需求量很大:有了它,任何菜都变得更加芳香和美味。 Although foreigners, spoiled by Provencal herbs all year round, do not share this passion and believe that dill clogs the taste of any food.尽管常年被普罗旺斯香草宠坏的外国人不认同这种热情,并认为莳萝会堵塞任何食物的味道。

莳萝是一种具有强烈辛辣香气的植物,可用于烹制新鲜的,干燥的或腌制的。 罐装西红柿,黄瓜,辣椒,蘑菇时添加莳萝–它不仅具有特殊的香气,而且还可以防止蔬菜发霉。

It is also used to make vinegar or various spice mixtures.它还可用于制醋或各种香料混合物。 Greens are served with hot and cold meat and fish dishes, soups, borscht, vegetables and salads.蔬菜配以冷热肉和鱼菜,汤,罗宋汤,蔬菜和沙拉。 Crushed dill seeds are added to the tea for flavor.将切碎的莳萝种子添加到茶中调味。


The fruits of dill contain 15-18% fatty oil and 14-15% proteins.莳萝的果实含有25-35%的脂肪油和65-46%的蛋白质。 The fatty oil contains petroselinic acid (3.05, 6.13%), oleic acid (XNUMX, XNUMX), palmitic acid (XNUMX) and linoleic acid (XNUMX%).所述脂肪油包含petroselinic酸(XNUMX、XNUMX%),油酸(XNUMX、XNUMX),棕榈酸(XNUMX)和亚油酸(XNUMX%)。

  • 卡路里含量40 kcal
  • 蛋白质2.5 g
  • 脂肪0.5 g ^
  • 碳水化合物6.3 g ^
  • 膳食纤维2.8Ğ
  • 水86克

莳萝富含维生素和矿物质,例如:维生素 A – 83.3%、β-胡萝卜素 – 90%、维生素 C – 111.1%、维生素 E – 11.3%、维生素 K – 52.3%、钾 – 13.4%、钙 – 22.3% ,镁 - 17.5%,磷 - 11.6%,钴 - 34%,锰 - 63.2%,铜 - 14.6%,铬 - 40.6%



Dill contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, carotene, folic and nicotinic acids, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, flavonoids, pectin substances, a set of mineral salts.莳萝含有铁,钾,钙,磷,维生素C,胡萝卜素,叶酸和烟酸,胡萝卜素,硫胺素,核黄素,类黄酮,果胶物质以及一组矿物质盐。 Dill fruit contains a healthy fatty oil that is rich in important acids.莳萝果实含有健康的脂肪油,其中富含重要的酸。

Dill is useful for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it can reduce blood pressure and normalize cardiovascular activity.莳萝可用于胃肠道的正常运作,它可以降低血压并使心血管活动正常化。 Dill seeds are brewed for small children with signs of intestinal colic, dill relieves pain in cystitis and has a diuretic effect.莳萝种子是为有肠绞痛迹象的小孩烹制的,莳萝可减轻膀胱炎的疼痛,并具有利尿作用。 It also stimulates milk production in nursing mothers, relieves headaches and calms the nervous system.它还可以刺激哺乳母亲的产奶量,减轻头痛并镇定神经系统。

莳萝以干燥和冷冻的形式很好地储存,因此,只要有足够的准备,您几乎可以全年享受它的香气。 在烹饪过程中,莳萝用于腌制和腌制,并在第一道和第二道菜中加入腌料和小吃。


Dill is also advised to eat for insomnia.还建议莳萝吃饭以防失眠。 However, dill is not recommended for people with low blood pressure.但是,不建议低血压人士服用莳萝。


A bunch of fresh organic dill on a black vintage rustic background, tied with green twine and kitchen scissors.一束在黑葡萄酒土气背景的新鲜的有机莳萝,栓与绿色麻线和厨房剪刀。 Freshly cut greens.刚切好的蔬菜。

莳萝也许是最健康的产品。 他只有一个禁忌症-低血压,即低血压。 这是其减轻压力能力的结果。 即使这样,如果您不因食用莳萝而感到厌烦,也不会伤害低血压患者。

There is also individual intolerance, but no cases of allergy to dill have been recorded.也有个体不宽容,但没有记录到莳萝过敏的情况。 So, in fact, only those few who for some reason do not like the taste do not eat it.因此,实际上,只有少数出于某种原因不喜欢这种味道的人不吃它。


Dill is a good antiseptic and bactericidal agent, prepared on the basis of dill tincture, they wipe the face, which is characterized by acne or clogged pores.莳萝是一种良好的防腐剂和杀菌剂,在莳萝tin剂的基础上制备,可擦拭脸部,其特征是痤疮或毛孔堵塞。 You can make lotions or steam dill baths.您可以制作乳液或蒸汽莳萝浴。

To reduce skin pigmentation, chopped dill is poured with boiling water or masks are made from dill and sour cream.为了减少皮肤色素沉着,将切碎的莳萝倒入沸水中,或者用莳萝和酸奶油制成面膜。 A mixture of dill and grated cucumber will help to remove black circles under the eyes and fine wrinkles.莳萝和磨碎的黄瓜的混合物将有助于去除黑眼圈和细纹。




Dill is one of the most popular spices for culinary experts around the world.莳萝是世界各地烹饪专家最喜欢的香料之一。 Used herbs and dill seeds, as well as essential oil.用过的草药和莳萝种子,以及精油。

莳萝用于腌制黄瓜、西红柿、西葫芦……、蘑菇、鱼。 莳萝泡菜、腌料、酱汁都很美味,让你感觉更好。

In Scandinavia, dill is widely used in the preparation of fish and seafood dishes.在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,莳萝被广泛用于制备鱼类和海鲜菜肴。 Fresh dill gives a great flavor to fresh vegetable salads, just like any salad.像任何色拉一样,新鲜莳萝为新鲜的蔬菜色拉赋予了绝佳的风味。

莳萝很适合搭配乳制品,非常适合做馅饼馅。 在菜肴中添加莳萝时,请记住它会降低盐含量。

Dill seeds are used for flavoring confectionery, making aromatic vinegar and oil.莳萝种子用于调味糖果,制作香醋和油。 Used in marinades, soups.用于腌料,汤。




用莳萝制成的制剂可用于治疗高血压-大量莳萝可极大地降低压力,甚至削弱视力和昏厥。 因此,血压低的人在食用大量莳萝时需要小心。

  • 莳萝用于盐分沉积,肥胖,糖尿病。
  • 莳萝汤有助于眼睛发炎和结膜炎。
  • 莳萝被认为是镇静剂,可消除失眠,并用于神经症。

Preparations made from dill are used for angina pectoris and coronary insufficiency.由莳萝制成的制剂可用于心绞痛和冠状动脉供血不足。 It is also believed that dill improves kidney and liver function, regulates bile, helps with coughing, and eliminates hiccups.人们还认为莳萝可改善肾脏和肝脏功能,调节胆汁,有助于咳嗽,并消除打h。
