
在普遍接受的意义上,竹荚鱼或竹荚鱼是一大群更具商业重要性的鱼类的名称。 在俄罗斯,竹荚鱼被称为竹荚鱼科的几种鱼类。 其中大部分是商业性的。 大约有 30 个属和 200 多个物种属于黑鲈科。 这个家族的许多鱼体型都很大,是喜欢海钓的垂钓者最喜欢的战利品。 在这个资源中,一些物种被单独描述。 实际上,一个单独的属——“scad”,大约有 10 个物种,它们在温带和热带水域中非常普遍。 所有竹荚鱼都是活跃的捕食者。 鱼体呈纺锤形。 嘴中等,半下。 一些物种的长度可达 70 厘米,但在大多数情况下为 30 厘米。 根据长度,鱼的重量可达 2.5 公斤,但平均约为 300 克。 背部有两个鳍,一个狭窄的尾柄,也有上下鳍,末端有一个分叉的尾鳍。 前背鳍有数条由膜连接的硬鳍条,此外,臀鳍有两根棘。 鳞片很小,在中线上有带尖刺的骨盾,具有保护作用。 竹荚鱼是鱼群,远洋鱼类。 根据体型大小,它们以小鱼、浮游动物为食,但在某些条件下,它们也可以转为以底栖动物为食。


钓竹荚鱼是居民中非常流行的一种捕鱼方式,例如黑海地区。 所有可用类型的业余钓鱼都可以捕获竹荚鱼。 它可以是浮钓竿、旋转钓竿、垂钓钓具或飞钓钓具。 鱼是从岸上和各种船只上捕获的。 对于诱饵,使用天然诱饵,以及各种人造诱饵,从小型旋转器、苍蝇到普通毛发和塑料片。 通常在“zhora”期间,很容易发现一群竹荚鱼——鱼开始跳出水面。 最受欢迎的是使用“暴君”等多钩钓具钓鱼。


Tyrant fishing, despite the name, which is clearly of Russian origin, is quite widespread and is used by anglers all over the world. There are small regional peculiarities, but the principle of fishing is the same everywhere. It should be noted that the main difference between all rigs of this type is rather related to the size of the prey. Initially, the use of any rods was not provided. A certain amount of cord was wound on a reel of arbitrary shape, depending on the depth of fishing, it could be up to several hundred meters. At the end, a sinker with an appropriate weight from 100 to 400 g was fixed, sometimes with a loop at the bottom to secure an additional leash. Leashes were attached to the cord, most often in the amount of about 10-15 pieces. In modern versions, various long-distance casting rods are more often used. The number of lures can vary and depends on the experience of the angler and the gear used. It should be clarified that sea fish are less “finicky” to the thickness of the snaps, so it is quite possible to use fairly thick monofilaments (0.5-0.6 mm). With regard to metal parts of the equipment, especially hooks, it is worth bearing in mind that they must be coated with an anti-corrosion coating, because sea water corrodes metals much faster. In the “classic” version, the “tyrant” is equipped with hooks, with attached colored feathers, woolen threads or pieces of synthetic materials. In addition, small spinners, additionally fixed beads, beads, etc. are used for fishing. In modern versions, when connecting parts of the equipment, various swivels, rings, and so on are used. This increases the versatility of the tackle, but can hurt its durability. It is necessary to use reliable, expensive fittings. On specialized vessels for fishing on “tyrant” special on-board devices for reeling gear may be provided. This is very useful when fishing at great depths. When using short side rods with access rings or sea spinning rods, a problem arises that is typical for all multi-hook rigs with the line and leaders reeling out when playing the fish. When catching small fish, this problem is solved by using longer rods, and when catching large fish, by limiting the number of “working” leashes. In any case, when preparing tackle for fishing, the main leitmotif should be convenience and simplicity during fishing. “Samodur” is also called a multi-hook equipment using a natural nozzle. The principle of fishing is quite simple: after lowering the sinker in a vertical position to a predetermined depth, the angler makes periodic twitches of tackle according to the principle of vertical flashing. In the case of an active bite, this, sometimes, is not required. “Landing” of fish on hooks can occur when lowering the equipment or from the pitching of the vessel. Fishing “for tyrant” is possible not only from boats, but also from the shore.


钓竹荚鱼的饵料多种多样; 多钩钓具多使用各种白色或银色的人工饵料。 在使用浮竿钓鱼的情况下,经验丰富的垂钓者建议使用虾饵。


大多数竹荚鱼属鱼类生活在北纬和南纬的温带和热带海域。 在俄罗斯海域,可以在黑海和亚速海捕捞竹荚鱼。 这些鱼的栖息地通常仅限于大陆架,最常见于海岸线附近。


鱼类产卵发生在靠近岸边的温暖季节。 鱼在2-3岁时成熟。 黑海竹荚鱼在 XNUMX 月至 XNUMX 月产卵。 产卵是分开的。 远洋鱼子酱。 在产卵过程中,雄性停留在雌性上方的水柱中,并为新出现的卵受精。
