
星星说,鼠兔合不合,全看对方如何发挥能力。 从星座来看,这些星座的共同兴趣点和接触点太少,不容易相互了解,也不容易设定共同的目标。

如果伴侣之间不期望太多,他们会学会更和谐地互动,并从关系中提取很多积极的东西。 如果属鼠的星座属于男性,那么结合会更加牢固。 这个星座比较适合一家之主,解决重大战略问题,而属兔人比较容易服从和逃避责任。


一方面,男鼠和女兔可以高度兼容,因为它们是如此相似。 两者都很聪明,善于交际,积极向上,容易发展精神。 两人都为建立牢固的家庭联盟和抚养孩子而努力。 但另一方面,不知为何,这些星座的代表之间总是存在着某种轻描淡写和紧张的气氛。

The balance in these relationships is always in the hands of a woman. The Rabbit woman has softness, complaisance. In the right mood, she knows how to smooth out sharp corners, be meek and forgive her chosen one many mistakes. She walks away from conflict until her emotional cup overflows and topples over. And then beware! The problem is that the Rabbit woman tends to unconsciously accumulate resentment, and at the moment of a quarrel, all her discontent spills out at once. The Rat man does not understand what is happening and most often uses the wrong methods to resolve the conflict. He either leaves the woman alone with her emotions, or begins to overwhelm her with logical calculations. Of course, neither of these works.

由于双方对自己和彼此的要求太高,兼容性也会降低。 他们常常不能容忍彼此的弱点和错误。 另一个绊脚石是合作伙伴不愿意改变。 双方都希望忠于所选择的道路,并且不打算修改他们选择的正确性。 在这种背景下,出现了误解、不合理的期望、相互索赔、丑闻、离婚。 在这种情况下,只有两者中的一个做出让步,才有可能过上幸福的家庭生活。 如果是女人就更好了。

根据东方八字,属鼠男和属兔女的配对度较低。 乍一看,这很奇怪,因为在许多性格特征中,这些迹象非常相似。 他们有共同的目标,共同的原则。 这里有什么问题?

The Rat man is a mobile person with a developed intellect and excellent intuition. It is sometimes difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, but in the end he manages to make good money. Such a man is thrifty, sometimes to the point of stinginess. But he is hospitable, loves fun and knows how to give a good mood to everyone around. The Rabbit woman will not yield to the Rat in terms of intelligence and breadth of outlook. She is sociable, friendly and usually has many hobbies. True, she is also a terrible homebody. Such a woman appreciates homeliness, comfort and silence. Both the Rat man and the Rabbit woman love to fantasize and make plans. But the Rat will probably immediately rush to implement at least a small part of these plans. And the Rabbit does not move so quickly from words to actions. She worries a lot, doubts, is afraid to meet difficulties on her way.

尽管有很多矛盾,但兔子和老鼠可以组成非常和谐的一对。 他们将一起度过所有困难,对许多人来说,他们的家将成为尊重、关爱和相互关心的典范。 将兼容性提高到几乎 100% 需要一些工作。 一个女人肯定可以做到!


The low compatibility of the Rat man and the Rabbit woman is already visible at the stage of courtship. And it’s even good. Here the first misunderstandings appear. Emotional discomfort on a subconscious level makes lovers refrain from further rapprochement and gives a chance to take a better look at each other. Probably, the Rat man and the Rabbit woman are the only couple where relationships do not begin with reckless passion, but with mutual respect and careful weighing of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

这样一对中的男人和女人都追求开放和浪漫主义。 当雄性老鼠开始对他选择的老鼠施加压力,试图提前制服她时,问题就开始了。 兔女天性准备好并乐于服从她心爱的男人。 但当她感到压力时,她开始反感、捍卫自己、展现力量,这些在她身上有很多。 事态发展成这样,对大家都不利。

为了在这一对中获得高兼容性,雄鼠必须赢得雌兔的信任。 然后她会很容易地给她心爱的人他期望从她那里得到的一切。 如果一个男人冲过来试图给伴侣施加压力,他将不得不与她战斗,而且他将100%输掉。


如果合作伙伴设法接受彼此的缺点,那么他们的家庭将在很大程度上实现和平。 鼠男能够为兔女提供她所需要的一切。 而且,这样的女人,对物质的要求也不算太高。 反过来,感受到丈夫的爱和关怀,妻子会很乐意带头做家务,让气氛充满欢乐、温暖和新鲜烘烤的香味。 她将成为她丈夫一直梦寐以求的可靠、忠实的支持。

但是,这样的感情总会遇到很多困难。 属鼠人通常对妻子懒惰感到不满。 而且她不喜欢自发性,拒绝娱乐,因为小问题而变得太多。 就她而言,属兔的女人通常会因为她所爱的人还没有准备好理解和接受她的欲望而感到非常沮丧。 她被沉默、家庭消遣和她一天的清晰计划所吸引。 她害怕改变,如果有人或某事试图破坏她的计划,她会感到非常不舒服。 对属兔的女人来说,突然的旅行或不速之客是大脑爆炸。


雄鼠和雌兔的性相容性是一个模棱两可的事情。 总的来说,这样的伴侣在身体上并不相容,而且对幸福的个人生活也有着完全不同的想法。 鼠人不容忍床上的单调。 这个坐立不安的人总是想改变一些东西,尝试新事物。 对他来说,性是一种生理需要,必须经常并且最好以有趣的方式得到满足。

The Rabbit Woman is not attached to sex at all. She perceives intimacy only as a continuation of spiritual unity, and she does not care about diversity in bed. However, she will happily adapt to her man and agree to experiments if she completely trusts her beloved. So if a Rat man complains about the stiffness of his cat partner in bed, he thereby admits that he could not give his companion the love and protection that she needs.

如果男方理解并尊重伴侣的内心世界,那么男鼠和女兔的性兼容性接近100%。 如果雄性老鼠甚至不想尝试理解所选择的人,那么这种相同的兼容性往往会为零。


但不管怎样,雄鼠和雌兔的亲和力是很高的。 在友谊中,属兔女并不期望得到属鼠男的理解和关心,所以对属鼠男并不失望。

属兔的女人与男人建立友好关系,表现得与男人平起平坐。 她不会让自己被冒犯,不会让自己承受压力,从而剥夺鼠人操纵自己的机会。 结果,一个纯粹的结构诞生了。

雄鼠和雌猫(兔)之间的友谊是一个非常有趣的现象。 属兔女知道如何支持朋友,提供好的建议,有时甚至会掌握主动权。 在有争议的时刻,她会表现地招架并轻松地让鼠人原地踏步。 鼠人知道如何在事业上找到正确的开端,在日常生活中,他以积极和轻松的态度向猫致敬。


The working compatibility of the male Rat and the female Rabbit depends on whether these people are competitors. In an atmosphere of competition, the Rat is constantly trying to use the Rabbit for its own purposes. Smart Cat senses a catch from a mile away, but in the end, productivity decreases for both. A friendly alliance is effective when the Rat and the Rabbit are fighting for the good of one common goal. And when both understand that they can’t live without each other. If the Rat man tries to manipulate again, it is enough for the Cat (Rabbit) woman to talk seriously with him once and explain that she will not tolerate this anymore. And after that, the situation is unlikely to repeat itself.


如你所见,鼠男和兔女在友情和工作上的契合度远高于爱情和家庭关系。 但是,统计数据不是判决书! 如果需要,这对夫妇能够克服任何困难,达成谅解并建立一个充满爱的家庭。

As mentioned above, the main responsibility for building relationships rests with the woman. It is she who in this pair demonstrates more strength and directness than necessary. She should become softer, but at the same time more confident in herself. It is important to convey your values ​​​​to the Rat man, to learn how to manage it like a woman. At the same time, the Rabbit woman should give her beloved the appearance of complete freedom. This not only helps him to be himself, but also allows him to grow as a man. Does the chosen one like to have fun and relax with friends? – Let him go, you don’t need to keep the peasant at home! Loved one wants to make a mistake and does not listen to advice? – Let him go and make a mistake, but next time he will be smarter!

重要的一点:属兔的女人越想表现得越坚强,就越不开心。 首先,她无法放松,一直处于恐慌状态。 其次,看到她的独立性,男鼠处于被动地位,一般什么都不做。 这是离婚的必由之路。

属鼠人应该明白,他得到了一个不寻常的女人,第二次他可能永远不会遇到这样的女人。 他只需要停止批评他心爱的人的缺点,并以极大的纵容对待她的情绪波动。 此外,如果提前警告计划的变化,兔女会非常感激。 她是一个不可救药的宅男,她真的需要时间为客人的到来或电影之旅做好心理准备。


In the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Rabbit man and the Rat woman is problematic. These two have a lot in common, but some of the contact points are very sharp and lead to conflicts. However, the stars believe that with mutual attraction, the Rabbit and the Rat may well build a strong couple. Initially, the compatibility of the Rabbit man and the Rat woman is high due to the fact that these guys are interested together, they easily find a common language. The rat can be overly shy and active, but the Rabbit skillfully levels out its impulsiveness, extinguishes anxiety.

兔子和老鼠之间有足够的差异。 鼠女是上流社会的贵妇人,衣橱搭配得体,举止优雅。 她喜欢成为众人瞩目的焦点,喜欢喧闹的派对,她在一切事物中寻找冒险、新闻和阴谋。 兔人或许会来参加这样的活动,不过多半,他会坐在一个安静的角落里,在一旁看热闹。 其实,待在家里,看一部好电影,看看书,对他来说要舒服得多。

但是鼠兔在物质方面是相通的。 老鼠是节俭的标准。 她知道在哪里可以买到最低价的好东西,也知道如何花一分钱穿得昂贵。 她有存钱的天赋。 兔人知道在哪里以及如何赚取这笔钱。 财运站在他这边。 与此同时,兔子对这种情况感觉很好,几乎什么都不用做就可以中大奖。 要做到这一点,他只需要稍微推动其他人的动作,而自己就可以占据最有利的位置。

属兔人知道如何与任何人建立良好的关系。 他友善、开放、迷人。 他知道如何平息酝酿中的冲突,也知道需要做什么,这样才不会有人找他的错。 他很负责任,并试图跟踪所有的小事。 相反,鼠女是严厉和轻率的。 她会犯愚蠢的错误并陷入尴尬的境地。 和属兔男一样,属鼠女也在寻找机会用错误的手来炒作。 她是一个出色的操纵者。

谈到兔男和鼠女的兼容性,您需要立即明白这种结合并不容易。 合作伙伴在许多方面彼此匹配,但同时他们之间也存在许多差异,导致误解和冲突。 鼠女积极、情绪化、谨慎、独立。 她爱自己,知道自己的价值。 对于属鼠的女人来说,外貌起着重要的作用,有时甚至是第一位的。 属鼠人在社会上实现自我,和人一样,即使为了家庭和孩子,也不会离开自我实现。

The Rat Woman is very intuitive. Sometimes it seems that she unreasonably shows aggression, but in reality she subtly feels the threat and acts in advance. In the family, the Rat woman is a wonderful hostess, clean and caring mother hen. However, she demands that her labors be appreciated and that her husband fully help her in household chores. The Rabbit Man is a purely family creature. He can start short affairs until he finds the one, but for the soul he needs a really serious relationship. A strong family is his goal and his support, the meaning of his life.

兔人绝不是软弱、意志薄弱和多愁善感的。 面对心爱的女人,他可以柔顺、顺从,但他绝不会让自己被利用,不会将自己的生活与一个试图压制他、征服他的女人联系在一起。

兔男和鼠女的高度契合只有在双方都为此做出努力的情况下才有可能。 有时兔子和老鼠会发生分歧。 如果这成为争吵和疏远的原因,这对夫妻就会分手。 如果合作伙伴彼此相爱并希望建立强大的联盟,他们会想方设法克服彼此的缺点。


Usually, the first problems in the relationship between the Rabbit and the Rat are outlined already at the stage of a romantic relationship. The Rat is terribly emotional, she is annoyed by the passivity of the Rabbit, and she is not ready to hide it. For any reason, the Rat starts a quarrel in an attempt to put pressure on the chosen one, to impose his ideals on him. It won’t work with a rabbit. For some time, the compatibility of the Rabbit man and the Rat woman seems high, because there are no obvious scandals. It’s just that the Rabbit does not like to show things off and in every possible way avoids conflicts. At the same time, he silently bends his line.

兔男和鼠女之间关系的另一个差距是嫉妒。 两人都非常嫉妒。 让猫感到不快的是,他选择的美丽的猫总是在某个地方消失,聚会上没有一个男人不试图向她求爱。 反过来,当老鼠再次不想陪她去看时装秀或慈善音乐会时,他对兔子的爱的力量产生了怀疑。

在感情初期,属兔男和属鼠女的契合度很高。 在此期间,恋人不会注意到彼此的缺点,并且会花很多时间在一起。 后来,当新奇感消退后,伙伴之间出现了很多分歧。 在这一点上,重要的是不要试图为自己重塑对方,而是让每个人都接受所爱之人本来的样子。


As soon as lovers are faced with a joint life, the problems become even greater. The Rat Woman is an excellent hostess. She induces such purity that a mosquito will not undermine the nose. Every thing is in its place, interior items are designed in the same style. The rat spends a lot of time ensuring that its nest is in perfect condition, but it is unbearable for her to think that only she needs all this, and she pulls her husband to household chores. That’s just the Rabbit will never have a hand in the work that he considers purely feminine. Even more than that: the Rabbit is able to shift even part of the men’s household chores to the spouse. The hot-tempered Rat will definitely not tolerate this! The Rat Woman is a good mother. She strives to provide her children with everything they need. But at the same time, she is ready to sacrifice her family for the sake of her career and society. A rat would rather find a good nanny than give up external self-realization. Therefore, even as a mother of many children, she manages to remain successful and in demand on all fronts.

很明显,在这种节奏下,鼠女不断膨胀,没有时间做任何事情。 对于属兔的男人来说,太太做任何事却不对他做,这是一种极大的侮辱。 相互紧张加剧。 就其最纯粹的形式而言,兔男和鼠女的高度兼容性是无法实现的。 老鼠善于交际,而兔子性格内向。 她喜欢户外活动,他喜欢呆在家里。

她想把所有的空闲时间都花在聚会上,他梦想下班回家后等待他的是自制的蛋糕和微笑的妻子,而不是空荡荡的公寓和桌上的半成品。 也就是说,如果不牺牲个人自由和野心,配偶就无法挽救婚姻。 每个人都必须放弃一些东西。


在亲密关系中,属兔男和属鼠女的兼容性算是很好的了。 双方都喜欢长时间的前戏、温柔和浪漫主义。 兔子知道如何取悦伴侣,而老鼠知道如何指挥。

一般来说,属鼠人喜欢在卧室里带头,所以很多主动权都出自她。 她总是给婚床带来新的东西。 通常兔子根本不介意,他准备好进行任何实验,包括角色扮演游戏。

诚然,并非所有的猫(兔)都喜欢床的创新; 这个星座的男人中有许多热心的保守派。 他们认为,为了获得乐趣,根本没有必要发明和歪曲某些东西。 在这种情况下,属鼠人应该更聪明、更小心,不要给伴侣施加压力。

属兔男和属鼠女的两性相容取决于女方的无礼和男方的教养。 如果兔子准备好接受各种各样的变化,那么这对夫妇的床上会有一首完整的田园诗。 如果兔子坚持更保守的观点,老鼠对不断实验的渴望会让他感到不愉快。


According to the eastern horoscope, the friendly compatibility of the Rabbit man and the Rat woman is much higher than their compatibility in love and family terms. And all because in this case, the partners simply accept each other as they are, do not place any personal hopes on each other. In friendship, the Rabbit and the Rat immediately dot the “i”, and no longer return to this issue. Quarrels sometimes arise, and they are usually connected by the fact that the Rat is somehow trying to manipulate the rabbit and proves with all his might that she is in charge. Rabbit and Rat may well be friends. Despite the difference in interests and life positions, they always have something to talk about. The friendly relations of such a couple will become much stronger when the Rat stops always and everywhere proving its leadership.


属兔男和属鼠女的高工作兼容性是可能的,前提是属鼠人在每一步都没有超出她的预期。 这两个可以只是同事,他们可以共同开展业务。 无论如何,他们的串联将会成功。


在兔鼠一对中,每个人都有自己的志向,都有自己的人生理念。 通常,合作伙伴不是互相倾听,而是开始把毯子盖在自己身上。 关系伴随着不断的指责、不满和丑闻。 而且,通常是女人的尖叫声,男人因为关着门,忍着她的尖叫声,仍然按照自己的方式去做。 假设这样的夫妇没有未来是合乎逻辑的。

要想提升兔男和鼠女的缘分,双方都得在自己上下功夫。 你将不得不粉碎你的利己主义,更经常地训练不要为你所爱的人着想,而是要为你的伴侣着想。 鼠女必须明白她的丈夫在晚上需要她,所以她不应该经常逃到某个地方。 反过来,猫男将不得不接受这样一个事实,即他的妻子天生热爱自由、独立且雄心勃勃,因此她不能被束缚在家里。
