Wheat germ oil – description of the oil.小麦胚芽油–对油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好处和危害


Wheat germ oil will help restore freshness to aging skin, and this oil will help remove saggy cheeks and unpleasant folds near the eyes.小麦胚芽油将帮助恢复老化皮肤的新鲜度,并且该油将帮助去除双颊下垂和眼睛附近令人不愉快的皱纹。 It has been famous for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties for several centuries.几个世纪以来,它一直以其抗氧化剂和抗衰老特性而闻名。 An inexpensive but effective product will give odds to the most innovative creams and serums.廉价但有效的产品将使大多数创新的面霜和精华素显得格格不入。

自古以来,小麦就被人类种植,在他的生活中占有重要地位。 这种文化在全球各个角落都受到崇敬。 但并不是每个人都知道这种谷物不仅可以用于烹饪,还可以用于获得其他,在某种程度上甚至更有价值的产品。


This type of oil contains a lot of nutrients that crops need to grow and develop.这种油含有许多作物生长和发育所需的营养。 And people have long learned to receive it.人们早就学会了接受它。 The benefits of this unique oil are appreciated not only in cosmetology, but also in folk medicine and dietetics.这种独特的油的好处不仅在美容学中,而且在民间医学和饮食学中也得到赞赏。


Wheat germ oil – description of the oil.小麦胚芽油–对油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好处和危害


  • 亚油酸40-60%
  • 亚麻酸11%
  • 油酸12-30%
  • 棕榈酸14-17%

The successful use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology is due to the fact that it helps to eliminate many skin problems and imperfections.小麦胚芽油在美容方面的成功使用是由于它有助于消除许多皮肤问题和瑕疵。 Its antioxidant and anti-aging properties are well known.其抗氧化剂和抗衰老特性是众所周知的。 The high efficiency of the oil is due to the strength of its components:油的高效率归因于其成分的强度:

  • 氨基酸(亮氨酸,缬氨酸,蛋氨酸,色氨酸等);
  • 多不饱和脂肪酸(omega-3,omega-6,omega-9);
  • 维生素(B1,B2,B3,B6,B9,E,A,D);
  • 抗氧化剂(丙氨酸,角鲨烯,十八烷醇);
  • 微量元素(锌,硒,磷,锰,铁,铜,硫,钙,碘等)。


谷物油的所有功能都隐藏在其天然成分中。 氨基酸(亮氨酸和色氨酸),多不饱和脂肪酸(omega-3和omega-9),多种维生素(B1,B6,A),抗氧化剂(角鲨烯,尿囊素)–十多种生物活性物质和微量元素。 仅小麦油就含有最“年轻的维生素”(E),有助于维持皮肤的新鲜度和弹性。

Wheat germ oil – description of the oil.小麦胚芽油–对油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好处和危害

通用小麦胚芽油适合任何皮肤类型的女孩和女性。 干燥而敏感-获得额外的营养和水分,油腻且有问题-摆脱油腻的光泽和黑头。

Of all the oils, wheat germ oil contains the maximum amount of vitamin E, which is indispensable for health and beauty.在所有的油中,小麦胚芽油含有最多量的维生素E,这对于健康和美丽是必不可少的。 This vitamin is an antioxidant that helps us maintain health and beauty.这种维生素是一种抗氧化剂,可以帮助我们保持健康和美丽。 It is no coincidence that it is called the vitamin of youth.它被称为青年维生素并非偶然。


  • 刺激体内的新陈代谢过程。
  • 减缓老化过程。
  • 它可以清除体内有害物质。
  • 完美清洁脸部和颈部的皮肤。
  • Relieves inflammation that may appear on the skin.缓解皮肤上可能出现的炎症。 Effective in treating acne and acne.有效治疗粉刺和痤疮。
  • 改善和抚平肤色。
  • 促进伤口,擦伤,烧伤的愈合。
  • 完美地增强和调理皮肤。
  • 促进组织中良好的血液循环。
  • Helps get rid of wrinkles.帮助摆脱皱纹。 Great for all skin types.非常适合所有皮肤类型。
  • 帮助对抗橘皮组织的迹象。
  • 加强头发,使其健康。
Wheat germ oil – description of the oil.小麦胚芽油–对油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好处和危害

Ether perfectly stimulates metabolic processes (metabolism and oxygen exchange), and also triggers blood circulation.醚完美地刺激了代谢过程(新陈代谢和氧气交换),还引发了血液循环。 Slows down the aging process, blocks UV rays and removes harmful toxins.减缓老化过程,阻挡紫外线并清除有害毒素。 For sagging and thinning skin, the complexion and contour of the face is evened out.对于松弛和稀疏的皮肤,脸部的肤色和轮廓均匀。



个体对小麦胚芽油的不耐受性极为罕见。 您可以借助过敏测试找出答案。 在手腕上滴几滴乙醚,然后等待15-20分钟。 如果没有明显的刺激感(肿胀或发红),则建议使用该机油。





Ask for a sample of the oil: study its consistency and smell.要求提供油样:研究其稠度和气味。 Quality wheat germ oil has a persistent herbal aroma and a viscous brown to pale amber texture.优质小麦胚芽油具有持久的草本香气和粘稠的褐色至淡琥珀色质地。

Choose bottles with dark glass, so the oil will retain all its beneficial trace elements longer.选择带有深色玻璃瓶,这样油会保留所有有益的微量元素。 Pay attention to the expiration date.注意到期日期。


Wheat germ oil – description of the oil.小麦胚芽油–对油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好处和危害

After opening, keep the oil in a cool and dark place.打开后,将油放在阴凉处。 Close cap thoroughly after each use.每次使用后,请彻底盖上盖子。 If after a while you find a sediment at the bottom, do not be alarmed.如果过一会儿发现底部有沉积物,请不要惊慌。 This is the wax that is part of the oil.这是蜡,是油的一部分。 Just shake the bottle.摇晃瓶子。



Due to its viscous texture, ether is most often diluted with light oils in a 1: 3 ratio.由于其粘稠的质地,乙醚最经常用轻油以XNUMX:XNUMX的比例稀释。 Peach, apricot, and rose oils work well.桃,杏和玫瑰油效果很好。 Important: metal utensils are not suitable for mixing.重要提示:金属器皿不适合混合。



In its pure form, ether is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin to cauterize acne.以纯净的形式,将乙醚逐点应用到皮肤的问题区域,以烧灼痤疮。 The oil can be heated, but not higher than 40 degrees, so that all useful substances do not evaporate.可以加热油,但不能超过XNUMX度,这样所有有用的物质都不会蒸发。



要达到理想的睫毛(如Malvina睫毛)的理想状态,而无需借助人工方法,则需要每天对其进行营养。 小麦胚芽油对此非常理想,尤其是如果您每天使用睫毛膏。

To strengthen the eyelashes, we recommend removing makeup every day with this oil, and after removing the makeup, gently rub the oil into the eyelashes.为了增强睫毛,我们建议每天用这种油卸妆,卸妆后,将油轻轻擦入睫毛中。 Naturally, this procedure is done before bed.自然,此程序在睡前完成。

什么时候可以期待效果? 几天之内,睫毛就会变亮,变浓,几周后就会变长。


Wheat germ oil – description of the oil.小麦胚芽油–对油的描述。 Health benefits and harms健康的好处和危害


  • 半汤匙的燕麦片和蜂蜜;
  • 1茶匙桃子油
  • 2滴洋甘菊精华液。

Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face for 20-30 minutes.混合所有成分并涂在脸上XNUMX-XNUMX分钟。 Wash off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.用温水洗净并涂上滋养霜。




To combat and prevent wrinkles around the eyes, we recommend a protein mask with the addition of wheat germ oil.为了防止和防止眼睛周围出现皱纹,我们建议添加小麦胚芽油的蛋白质面膜。 Preparation: beat half a chicken or a whole quail egg white, add 1 teaspoon of cosmetic wheat germ oil and drop by drop of essential oils: ylang-ylang, lemon and sandalwood.准备:打半只鸡或整个鹌鹑蛋清,加入XNUMX茶匙化妆品小麦胚芽油,然后滴一滴精油:依兰,柠檬和檀香。 Apply to the skin, after drying the mask, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream for the area around the eyes.涂于皮肤上,干燥面膜后,用温水冲洗,然后在眼部周围涂抹滋养霜。
