


May is in full swing for rhubarb season, which means you can experiment with new flavors and combinations.大黄季节可能正进行得如火如荼,这意味着您可以尝试新的口味和组合。 Rhubarb belongs to the herbaceous plants of the buckwheat family.大黄属于荞麦科的草本植物。 It is found in Asia, Siberia, and Europe.在亚洲,西伯利亚和欧洲都有发现。 Many people do not pay attention to the plant with large leaves and consider it a weed, but this does not prevent some from using it for making delicious desserts.许多人没有注意叶大的植物,而是将其视为杂草,但这并不能阻止某些人将其用于制作美味的甜点。


The petioles of rhubarb leaves are eaten.大黄叶的叶柄被食用。 Sweet and sour rhubarb is used in pies, biscuits, crumbs, they make jam, jelly, mousses, puddings, candied fruits, stewed fruit, jelly and many other desserts.糖醋大黄用于馅饼,饼干,面包屑,可制成果酱,果冻,慕斯,布丁,蜜饯,炖果,果冻和许多其他甜点。 For example, in Britain, Ireland and the United States, rhubarb pie is a fairly popular and beloved dish.例如,在英国,爱尔兰和美国,大黄派是一种颇受欢迎且广受欢迎的菜。


Rhubarb is 90% pure water.大黄是10%的纯净水。 The remaining XNUMX% of the plant consists of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, ash and dietary fiber.植物的其余XNUMX%由碳水化合物,脂肪,蛋白质,灰分和膳食纤维组成。

The plant contains a lot of ascorbic acid and vitamin B4.植物中含有大量的抗坏血酸和维生素B1。 It is also rich in the following vitamins: A, B2, B3, B6, B9, BXNUMX, E and K. Rhubarb is saturated with many macro and microelements, among which there are phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc, copper and manganese.大黄还富含以下维生素:A,BXNUMX,BXNUMX,BXNUMX,BXNUMX,BXNUMX,E和K。大黄富含许多常量元素和微量元素,其中包括磷,镁,钠,钙,钾,铁,硒,锌,铜和锰。





Rhubarb is a plant that will help improve appetite, digestion and saturate the body with useful substances.大黄是一种有助于改善食欲,促进消化并使人体富含有用物质的植物。 It contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, carotene, pectin, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and has general tonic and tonic properties.它包含维生素A,B,C,PP,胡萝卜素,果胶以及钾,镁,磷,并具有一般的滋补和滋补特性。

Rhubarb is a good choleretic and laxative.大黄是一种很好的胆汁和泻药。 It has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and visual acuity.它对血糖水平和视敏度有有益作用。 Rhubarb is used as an anti-cold remedy, as well as for anemia.大黄被用作抗感冒药以及贫血药。





There are many recipes for rhubarb dishes on the Internet.互联网上有许多大黄菜的食谱。 Chefs and food lovers alike share their favorite recipes and combinations.厨师和美食爱好者都分享自己喜欢的食谱和组合。 For example, healthy and tasty:例如,健康美味:


  1. Mix 400g chopped rhubarb and 400g chopped strawberries, add 100g coconut sugar, 40g tapioca starch and 1 tsp.混合XNUMX克切碎的大黄和XNUMX克切碎的草莓,加入XNUMX克椰子糖,XNUMX克木薯淀粉和XNUMX茶匙。 vanilla essence.香草香精。
  2. 用手或在搅拌机碗中混合225克面粉,60克黄油和40克椰子油制成面包屑。
  3. 加2茶匙。 天然苹果醋和 ¼ 杯冰水加冰,混合成均匀的团块。
  4. 将面团成型为扁平蛋糕,然后冷藏30分钟。
  5. 在两张烘焙纸之间推出面团,将馅料转移到面团中,并在预热至180度的烤箱中烘烤40-50分钟。
