

Porcini mushroom (Boletus edulis) is a type of mushroom that belongs to the basidiomycete department, agaricomycete class, boletus order, boletus family, boletus.牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)是一种蘑菇,属于担子菌科,琼脂菌类,牛肝菌类,牛肝菌家族,牛肝菌。 This is the most colorful representative of the mushroom kingdom.这是蘑菇王国最丰富多彩的代表。

蘑菇的简称就是“白色”,有人称它为牛肝菌。 甚至没有经验的蘑菇采摘者也容易认出“森林名人”,并用它们装满篮子。



牛肝菌在古代得名,当时蘑菇通常是干的,而不是油炸或炖的。 即使经过热处理和干燥,牛肝菌的大理石果肉仍保持完美的白色。 人们注意到了这个特征,并称这种带黑色帽子的蘑菇为纯白色。 这个名字的另一个版本与牛肝菌与不太好吃、价值较低的“黑色”屠夫的对立有关,后者的肉在切割时变暗。



The brownish-brown cap of a mature porcini mushroom grows on average up to 7-30 centimeters in diameter.成熟的牛肝菌蘑菇的棕褐色盖平均直径可达50至XNUMX厘米。 But in some latitudes, subject to heavy rains and mild temperatures, porcini mushrooms also appear with a cap diameter of XNUMX centimeters.但在某些纬度地区,遭受大雨和温和的温度,牛肝菌蘑菇的顶盖直径也将达到XNUMX厘米。


Determining the age of the mushroom is quite simple: in a young porcini mushroom, the cap has an almost artistically derived convex shape, overripe mushrooms are flatter, sometimes even outstretched in appearance.确定蘑菇的年龄非常简单:在年轻的牛肝菌蘑菇中,瓶盖几乎具有艺术性的凸出形状,生熟的蘑菇更平整,有时甚至张开。 The surface of the porcini mushroom cap in most cases has a pleasant to the touch, slightly velvety texture, the upper skin is tightly connected to the pulp, so it is difficult to separate from it.牛肝菌蘑菇帽的表面在大多数情况下具有令人愉悦的触感,略带天鹅绒般的质感,上表皮与果肉紧密相连,因此很难与果肉分离。

In dry and windy weather, the cap becomes covered with a network of small but deep wrinkles or cracks, which leads to damage to the internal pores of the fungus.在干燥多风的天气中,瓶盖上覆盖着细小但较深的皱纹或裂缝网,这会损坏真菌的内部毛孔。 In rainy weather, a thin film of mucus can be seen at the top of the cap.在阴雨天气中,在瓶盖顶部可以看到一层粘液薄膜。

牛肝菌蘑菇帽的颜色可以变化-从红棕色到几乎乳白色。 蘑菇越老,帽子越黑,越密,皮肤就会具有特征性的粗糙度。



The flesh of a ripe porcini mushroom is firm, juicy and mostly fleshy, with an attractive white color.成熟的牛肝菌的果肉坚硬,多汁且多肉,具有诱人的白色。 In old mushrooms, it turns into a fibrous structure, the shade of the pulp acquires a slightly yellow or light beige tone.在旧蘑菇中,它变成纤维状结构,果肉的阴影呈现淡黄色或浅米色。

牛肝菌蘑菇的腿的高度很小,平均可以达到12厘米,但是您也可以遇到更多“高大”的代表,其腿的高度可以达到25厘米。 腿的直径是7厘米,很少是10厘米。


A distinctive feature of the porcini mushroom is the shape of its stem: it is barrel-shaped or clavate;牛肝菌蘑菇的一个显着特征是茎的形状:桶形或棒状。 over time, in old mushrooms it becomes cylindrical, slightly elongated in the center and thick at the base and cap.随着时间的流逝,在旧蘑菇中,它会变成圆柱形,在中心稍微拉长,在底部和盖子上变粗。 Its color ranges from white to deep brown, sometimes with dark red spots.其颜色范围从白色到深棕色,有时带有深红色斑点。

There are porcini mushrooms, the colors of the caps and legs of which are almost completely identical.有牛肝菌蘑菇,其帽子和腿的颜色几乎完全相同。 Often, at the base of the cap, the leg has a net of light thin veins, sometimes almost indistinguishable against the main background of the skin.通常,在帽的底部,腿部有一条细细的静脉网,有时与皮肤的主要背景几乎无法区分。



Spore powder of a juicy olive-brown hue, the spores of porcini mushrooms themselves resemble a spindle in shape, their dimensions are strikingly tiny: 15.5 x 5.5 microns.孢子粉为多汁的橄榄棕色,牛肝菌的孢子本身呈纺锤形,尺寸非常小:XNUMX x XNUMX微米。 The tubular layer is light, then turns yellow, acquiring an olive green hue.管状层很轻,然后变成黄色,获得橄榄绿色的色调。

Porcini mushrooms grow on all continents, except for the too arid Australia and cold Antarctica.除了过于干旱的澳大利亚和寒冷的南极洲外,牛肝菌蘑菇遍布所有大洲。 It is found everywhere in Europe, in North and South America, in Mexico, in the territories of China, Japan and in the northern regions of Mongolia, in North Africa, in the British Isles, in the Caucasus, Kamchatka, the Far East, in the middle and southern latitudes.在欧洲,北美和南美,墨西哥,中国,日本和蒙古北部,北非,不列颠诸岛,高加索,堪察加半岛,远东,在中南纬度地区。




牛肝菌蘑菇的生长周期变化很大,并取决于生长的位置。 牛肝菌蘑菇在XNUMX月或XNUMX月开始生长,蘑菇岛的丰富外观在深秋结束-XNUMX月至XNUMX月(在温暖的地区)。

In the northern regions, the porcini mushroom grows from June to September, and the mass harvest begins in the second half of August.在北部地区,牛肝菌蘑菇于XNUMX月至XNUMX月生长,大规模收获始于XNUMX月下半月。 The growth phase of the boletus is rather long: it reaches maturity only in a full week.牛肝菌的生长阶段相当长:它仅在一整周内就达到成熟。


Porcini mushrooms grow both in coniferous and deciduous or mixed forests under trees such as spruce, pine, oak, birch, hornbeam, and fir.牛肝菌在针叶林和落叶林或混交林中生长,在云杉,松树,橡树,桦木,角树和冷杉等树木下。 The collection of porcini mushrooms can be carried out in areas covered with moss and lichen, on sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils, but these mushrooms rarely grow on swampy soils and peat bogs.牛肝菌蘑菇可以在苔藓和地衣覆盖的地区,沙质壤土,壤土和壤土中进行采集,但这些蘑菇很少在沼泽土壤和泥炭沼泽中生长。

cep喜欢阳光,但是它也可以在黑暗的地方生长。 The mushroom grows poorly with waterlogged soil and low daily air temperatures.蘑菇因土壤浸水且日气温低而生长不良。 Porcini rarely grow in the tundra and forest-tundra, forest-steppe, and in the steppe regions, Porcini are not found at all.牛肝菌很少在苔原和森林冻原,森林草原上生长,在草原地区根本不存在牛肝菌。

I Sogni Dei Fungaioli-丰希·波尔奇尼settembre 2020-Prima Parte



牛肝菌网(牛肝菌网)(Boletus reticulatus)


Edible mushroom.食用菌。 Outwardly, it looks like a flywheel, has a brown or ocher hat, sometimes with an orange tint, located on a short cylindrical leg.从外部看,它看起来像飞轮,在短圆柱腿上有棕色或o色的帽子,有时带有橙色。 The net on the stem of the mushroom is white or brown.蘑菇茎上的网是白色或棕色的。 The hat has a diameter of 6-30 cm.帽子的直径为XNUMX-XNUMX厘米。 The flesh is white.肉是白色的。

The cep is found in the reticulated beech, oak, hornbeam, chestnut forests of Europe, North America and Africa, in the Caucasus.在高加索地区的欧洲,北美洲和非洲的网状山毛榉,橡树,角树,板栗森林中发现了cep。 Occurs in June-September, but not too often.发生在XNUMX月至XNUMX月,但不是很频繁。


牛肝菌桦木蘑菇(小穗)(Boletus betulicola)
A feature of the species is the very light, almost white color of the cap, which reaches 5-15 cm in diameter.该物种的一个特点是帽非常轻,几乎是白色,直径达到XNUMX-XNUMX厘米。 Less often, its color has a slightly creamy or light yellow tint.较不常见的是,其颜色略带乳白色或浅黄色。 The stem of the mushroom is barrel-shaped, white-brown in color, has a white mesh in its upper part.蘑菇的茎为桶形,颜色为白棕色,上部有白色网眼。 On the cut, the mushroom does not turn blue, the pulp of the mushroom is white.在切块上,蘑菇不会变成蓝色,蘑菇的果肉是白色的。


XNUMX月至XNUMX月单果或成群结实。 It often grows throughout Russia, as well as in Western Europe.它通常在整个俄罗斯以及西欧生长。



松cep(高地,喜欢松树的牛肝菌)(Boletus pinophilus)

A type of porcini mushroom with a large dark-colored cap, sometimes with a purple tint.一种牛肝菌蘑菇,带有深色大帽,有时带有紫色。 The cap has a diameter of 6-30 cm.盖子的直径为XNUMX-XNUMX厘米。 The flesh of the mushroom under the thin skin of the cap has a brownish-red color, it is white in the stem, does not turn blue on the cut.蘑菇的果肉在帽子的薄皮下呈棕红色,茎干为白色,切痕不会变蓝。 The leg of the mushroom is thick, short, white or brown in color, has a light brown or reddish mesh.蘑菇的腿是粗的,短的,白色或棕色的,具有浅棕色或带红色的网眼。




蘑菇有一个棕色的帽子,但不带褐色,但带有灰色的颜色,有时会有“斑点”散布在帽子上。 该品种的果肉比其他牛肝菌的肉松,密度较小。



橡树花茎(La.Boletus edulis f.Quercicola)

云杉蘑菇(Boletus edulis f。Edulis)
The most common Porcini mushroom.最常见的牛肝菌。 The leg is elongated and has a thickening at the bottom.腿是细长的,底部有一个加厚部分。 The mesh reaches a third or half of the leg.网格达到腿的三分之一或一半。 The hat has a brown, reddish or chestnut color.这顶帽子有棕色,红色或栗色。


Spruce Porcini mushroom grows in fir and spruce forests in Russia and Europe, except for Iceland.云杉的牛肝菌生长在俄罗斯和欧洲的冷杉和云杉林中,冰岛除外。 The porcini mushroom appears in June and bears fruit until autumn.牛肝菌蘑菇出现在六月,直到秋季才结出果实。


Due to its high mineral content, porcini mushroom is one of the most popular and beneficial mushrooms.由于矿物质含量高,牛肝菌是最受欢迎和有益的蘑菇之一。 Why is porcini mushroom useful?为什么牛肝菌有用?


Any mushroom is quite difficult for human digestion.任何蘑菇都很难被人体消化。 But it is dried porcini mushrooms that are most accessible for digestion, since in dried form, the human body assimilates up to 80% of the proteins of the porcini mushroom.但是最容易消化的是干牛肝菌蘑菇,因为在干燥形式下,人体会吸收多达XNUMX%的牛肝菌蛋白。 It is this form of mushroom that nutritionists recommend.营养学家推荐的就是这种蘑菇。








One of the main differences between the porcini mushroom and the false gall fungus is the cut color.牛肝菌和假胆真菌之间的主要区别之一是切成色。 When cut, the flesh of the gall fungus darkens and becomes pinkish-brown.切开后,the木耳的肉变黑并变成粉红色棕色。 The flesh of the porcini mushroom does not change color and remains white.牛肝菌肉的颜色不变,保持白色。








The false Porcini mushroom is bitter, unlike the edible Porcini one.与可食用的牛肝菌不同,假牛肝菌是苦的。 Moreover, the bitter taste of the gall mushroom does not change during boiling or frying, but it can decrease during pickling due to the addition of vinegar.此外,胆汁蘑菇的苦味在煮沸或煎炸过程中不会改变,但在酸洗过程中会由于添加醋而降低。



Many are wondering how to plant and grow a porcini mushroom in their summer cottage.许多人想知道如何在夏季小屋中种植和种植牛肝菌。 The technology of growing porcini mushrooms at home or on a personal plot is not at all difficult, although it takes time, requires perseverance and maximum accuracy from you.在家中或在个人情节上种植牛肝菌的技术一点都不困难,尽管这需要时间,需要您的毅力和最大的准确性。

计划种植牛肝菌时,请注意一个细微差别:牛肝菌是森林居民,因此如果不与树木共生就不可能存在。 如果一块土地毗邻森林,那是一个理想的选择,尽管一块只有几棵树木的土地(松树,一对白杨木,桦木,橡树或云杉)也很合适。 希望树木至少有8-10年的树龄。




第一步是购买高质量的种植材料,即在专门的商店购买牛肝菌菌丝体。 现在,您需要开始为直接种植准备选定的区域。 这可以从XNUMX月到XNUMX月底完成–以后可能会结霜,这会使您的所有努力无效。

Around the trunk of a tree (pine, birch, oak, aspen, spruce), it is necessary to bare the soil, removing 15-20 cm of the top layer from its surface, thus creating a circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 meters.围绕树木的树干(松树,桦树,橡树,白杨木,云杉),有必要将土壤裸露,从其表面去除XNUMX-XNUMX厘米的顶层,从而形成直径为XNUMX-XNUMX的圆米。 The soil must be saved for the subsequent cover of the site.必须保留土壤,以备后继之用。



The next step is to carefully cover the laid Porcini mushroom mycelium with a layer of soil that you removed at the very beginning.下一步是用刚开始就去除的土壤小心地覆盖产好的牛肝菌蘑菇菌丝体。 Planting must be watered carefully and abundantly (2.5-3 buckets for each tree).必须仔细并大量浇水(每棵树XNUMX-XNUMX桶)。 It is advisable to do this very carefully so as not to erode the soil.最好非常小心地做,以免侵蚀土壤。

The watered area is mulched with a layer of straw 25-35 cm thick, which will maintain the desired humidity and prevent the mycelium from drying out.用一块1-XNUMX厘米厚的稻草覆盖水域,这将保持所需的湿度并防止菌丝变干。 In the future, watering is carried out a couple of times a week, adding top dressing to the water, for example, the Baikal EM-XNUMX complex.将来,每周要浇水两次,在水中添加追肥,例如贝加尔湖EM-XNUMX复合物。

Before the onset of frost and before the snow falls, the mushroom plot is covered with forest moss, spruce branches or a layer of fallen leaves to create a frost blanket.在霜冻发作之前和降雪之前,蘑菇区覆盖有森林苔藓,云杉的树枝或一层落叶,以形成霜毯。 In early spring, this cover is carefully removed with a rake.早春时,用耙子小心地取下该罩子。




For this method, you will need to go into the forest and get caps from mature, or even overripe, porcini mushrooms.对于这种方法,您将需要进入森林,并从成熟的甚至是过熟的牛肝菌蘑菇中取材。 The diameter of the cap should not be less than 10-15 cm.盖子的直径不应小于XNUMX-XNUMX厘米。 It is optimal if the pulp of the mushroom at the fracture has a greenish-olive tint, which indicates the ripening of the spore powder.最佳的是,在断裂处的蘑菇果肉具有淡绿色的橄榄色,这表明孢子粉已经成熟。


When picking porcini mushrooms, pay attention to which trees you cut them, because it is under the same trees that you should plant them on your site.采摘牛肝菌蘑菇时,请注意您砍下的树木,因为它位于您应在其现场种植的相同树木下。 A porcini mushroom growing under a birch in a forest thicket is unlikely to take root under a pine or oak.森林灌木丛中桦树下生长的牛肝菌不太可能在松树或橡树下生根。

The caps of porcini mushrooms are separated from the legs and, at the rate of 7-12 caps per bucket of water (preferably rainwater), they are soaked for 24 hours.牛肝菌蘑菇的盖与腿分开,以每桶水(最好是雨水)3至5盖的速度浸泡10小时。 It is advisable to add alcohol (15-20 tablespoons per 10 l) or sugar (8-10 g per XNUMX l) to the water.建议在水中添加酒精(每XNUMX升XNUMX-XNUMX汤匙)或糖(每XNUMX升XNUMX-XNUMX克)。 Please note that all mushrooms, and even more overripe, quickly deteriorate, so you need to soak them as soon as possible after picking, but no later than after XNUMX-XNUMX hours.请注意,所有蘑菇,甚至更熟的蘑菇,都会迅速变质,因此您需要在采摘后尽快将其浸泡,但不得迟于XNUMX-XNUMX小时。

A day later, carefully knead the soaked mushroom caps with your hands until a homogeneous jelly-like mass, filter it through a layer of gauze, thereby separating the aqueous solution with mushroom spores from the mushroom tissue.一天后,用手将浸泡过的蘑菇盖小心揉搓,直到形成均匀的果冻状团块,然后通过一层纱布过滤,从而将带有蘑菇孢子的水溶液从蘑菇组织中分离出来。 You do not need to throw out the strained pulp.您不需要扔掉过滤纸浆。

The place for planting porcini mushrooms is prepared identically to the first option (planting porcini mycelium).牛肝菌的种植地点与第一种选择(种植牛肝菌丝体)的准备方式相同。 The only difference is that peat or a layer of compost is spilled with a solution of tannins to disinfect the planting material and soil.唯一的区别是泥炭或堆肥层撒上了单宁酸溶液,以消毒种植材料和土壤。

Such a solution is prepared as follows: a 100-gram pack of black tea is brewed with a liter of boiling water, or 30 grams of oak bark is boiled in a liter of water for an hour.这种溶液的制备如下:用一升开水冲泡3克红茶,或者在一升水中煮XNUMX克橡树皮一小时。 After cooling, the area chosen for planting is watered with this agent, at the rate of XNUMX liters of tanning solution per tree.冷却后,以每棵树XNUMX升的鞣制液的速率用该试剂浇水选择种植的区域。

此外,将带有孢子的水用钢水包均匀地倒入肥沃的“枕头”上,同时应定期搅拌水溶液。 小心地将帽上的蘑菇“蛋糕”铺在顶部,准备好的“幼苗”覆盖着一层土壤,最初是在树周围去除的,还有一层稻草。

清理蘑菇需要很少的水,但要定期和充足的浇水,因为干out会导致尚未萌芽的孢子死亡。 对于冬季,该地块应保持隔热,在春季,应从其上清除云杉树枝,枯叶或稻草的“毯子”。 您可以在明年夏天或秋天享用自制的牛肝菌蘑菇。


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In the forest, they carefully dig up pieces of mycelium the size of a large chicken egg.在森林中,他们仔细地挖出了一块大鸡蛋大小的菌丝体。 Then they are laid out in not very deep holes under the tree on the site, slightly sprinkled with soil and watered regularly.然后将它们布置在现场树下不太深的孔中,并撒上少量土壤并定期浇水。

Overripe porcini mushrooms are crushed, dried in the shade for a day, periodically stirring the pieces.压碎过熟的牛肝菌,在阴凉处干燥一天,定期搅拌碎片。 Then the top layer of sod is lifted under the tree on the site and the prepared mass is laid there, returning the sod to its place and compacting it well.然后将草皮的最上层抬起,放在现场的树下,将准备好的团块放在此处,将草皮放回原处并压实。 The site is spilled abundantly with water.该场地大量洒水。


  1. 牛肝菌的生命周期不超过9天,但是有单独的品种可以“存活” 15天。 在此期间,它们的大小显着增加,远远超过了同类对象。
  2. 10小时后,其果肉中仅包含一半的矿物质和大量营养素。
  3. 在森林中,您经常可以找到带有不寻常的柠檬色或橘黄色的牛肝菌蘑菇,在大多数情况下,它们会吓到缺乏经验的采蘑菇者,尽管事实上这种标本可以食用,而且味道鲜美。
