

Despite the fact that oysters are used baked, fried, boiled, in fries, in batter or in broth, steamed or grilled, we will talk about the use of oysters fresh, ie raw.尽管牡蛎是通过烘烤,油炸,煮沸,炸薯条,面糊或肉汤,蒸或烤制来使用的,但我们将谈论使用新鲜的牡蛎,即生的牡蛎。 Since it is in this version that the delicacy raises many questions, mixed feelings, and is so appreciated in an aristocratic society.由于在此版本中,美味佳肴引起了许多问题,百感交集,并在贵族社会中受到赞赏。

这种软体动物已成为许多著名作家和诗人作品中赞美的主题。 法国诗人莱昂·保罗·法格(Leon-Paul Fargue)对牡蛎的描述如下:“吃牡蛎就像在嘴唇上亲吻大海。”

The Sea Kiss was the favorite dish of the famous Casanova, who ate 50 oysters for breakfast.海吻是著名的卡萨诺瓦(Casanova)的最爱菜,他吃了XNUMX只牡蛎作为早餐。 It is in this product that they see the secret of his lovingness.他们在这个产品中看到了他的爱的秘密。 Oysters are a widely recognized aphrodisiac.牡蛎是广为人知的壮阳药。

诗人安娜·阿赫玛托娃(Anna Akhmatova)还将她的工作思路奉献给了这一美味佳肴:“大海闻起来新鲜而锋利,贝类放在盘子上的冰上……”。

在法国,二十五岁的可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)学会了吃牡蛎,然后她认为这是对自己的胜利,后来她喜欢牡蛎并将其列为她无法拒绝的最喜欢的菜肴之一。



This food contains more Iron than 92% of foods.这种食物比8%的食物含有更多的铁。 More importantly, although there are several foods (12%) which contain more Iron, this food itself is rich in Iron more than it is in any other nutrient.更重要的是,尽管有几种食物(XNUMX%)含有更多的铁,但这种食物本身比其他任何营养素都富含铁。 Similarly it is relatively rich in Zinc, Vitamin BXNUMX, Copper and Magnesium同样,它富含锌,维生素BXNUMX,铜和镁

  • 卡路里含量72 kcal
  • 蛋白质9 g
  • 脂肪2 g ^
  • 碳水化合物4.5 g ^


The most popular myth about shellfish is that shellfish is said to increase libido.关于贝类的最流行的神话是贝类据说会增加性欲。 The reason for this is the story that Giacomo Casanova ate 50 oysters every day for breakfast and confidently set off towards love affairs.原因是有一个故事,贾科莫·卡萨诺瓦(Giacomo Casanova)每天吃18只牡蛎作为早餐,并自信地朝着爱情事务出发。 The fact that Casanova lived in the XNUMXth century, and all his erotic exploits became known thanks to his autobiography, in which he could write anything, does not bother anyone.卡萨诺瓦生活在XNUMX世纪,他的所有色情作品都得益于他的自传,因为他可以写任何东西,这一事实并没有使任何人感到困扰。

True, there was some truth in this.没错,这有些道理。 During sexual activity, a man inevitably loses a certain amount of zinc, and the consumption of oysters, in which zinc is found in large quantities, compensates for this lack.在进行性行为时,男人不可避免地会损失一定量的锌,而牡蛎的消耗量很大,弥补了这种不足,牡蛎的消耗量中大量存在锌。

但是,牡蛎也不应被视为纯壮春药。 只是这种天然蛋白质很容易被人体吸收,一个人进食后不会感到困倦,并且他有时间和欲望去执行积极的动作,包括那些具有爱心性质的动作。 这对男人和女人都适用。

如您所知,在卡萨诺瓦(Casanova)期间,没有释放出刺激性的含锌膳食补充剂,这位善于交际的意大利人巧妙地利用了地中海的天然礼物。 因此,牡蛎可能不会使您的个人生活变得更糟,但是您不应该依赖牡蛎作为淡漠爱情的灵丹妙药。


But almost all oysters are, first of all, a real pantry of useful vitamins and minerals.但首先,几乎所有的牡蛎都是真正的有用维生素和矿物质的食品储藏室。 They contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, E.它们包含镁,钙,钾,铁,磷,锌,维生素A,B,C,E。

牡蛎热量低,每 70 克仅含 100 大卡热量,因此食用时无需考虑增重。 原则上,其他海鲜也具有类似的有益特性——同样的虾、鱿鱼和螃蟹,以及大多数类型的野生海鱼,尤其是白鱼。 但是牡蛎有一个明显的优势。

Almost all fish and seafood must be boiled, fried, stewed before use, that is, subjected to heat treatment, in which some part of the necessary trace elements is inevitably lost.在使用之前,几乎所有的鱼类和海鲜都必须煮沸,油炸,炖煮,即进行热处理,其中不可避免地会损失一些必需的微量元素。 Oysters, on the other hand, are eaten raw and actually alive, so all the beneficial properties enter our body without loss.另一方面,牡蛎是生吃的,实际上还活着,因此所有有益的特性都不会损失我们的身体。 Of course, you can also heat-treat oysters: in Spain and France, for example, they are offered both fried and baked, but this is not for everybody.当然,您也可以对牡蛎进行热处理:例如,在西班牙和法国,牡蛎既可以油炸也可以烘烤,但是并不适合所有人。



It is not surprising that mainstream medicine recommends eating oysters to lower blood pressure, to restore visual acuity, to maintain healthy skin color, as well as as a prophylaxis against hair loss and even cancer.主流医学建议食用牡蛎以降低血压,恢复视力,保持健康的皮肤色泽以及预防脱发甚至癌症是不足为奇的。 Women are especially fond of oysters because of the presence of arginine in them, a substance that removes fine lines in the skin and makes hair thicker and thicker.妇女尤其喜欢牡蛎,因为它们中存在精氨酸,精氨酸能去除皮肤细纹,使头发越来越浓密。



However, there is also a fly in the ointment.但是,药膏中也有苍蝇。 Oysters should be eaten with caution by allergy sufferers.过敏者应谨慎食用牡蛎。 In addition, there is a risk of buying a poor-quality, or even completely spoiled product, which can lead to severe poisoning.另外,有可能购买劣质甚至完全变质的产品,这可能导致严重的中毒。 Inexperience, the buyer can, for example, buy oysters with open flaps or purchase already dead oysters.经验不足的买家可以例如购买带有开襟的牡蛎或购买已经死亡的牡蛎。


At the moment, the highest quality and most valuable are oysters collected from natural reservoirs in Norway.目前,从挪威的天然水库中收集的牡蛎是最高质量和最有价值的。 But on sale you can see oysters from many other countries: Japan, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, USA, and many others.但是在销售中,您可以看到来自许多其他国家的牡蛎:日本,法国,爱尔兰,荷兰,美国以及许多其他国家。

There are about 50 varieties of oysters in nature.自然界中大约有XNUMX种牡蛎。 They are classified by size, weight, and habitat.它们按大小,重量和栖息地分类。

The size of flat oysters is indicated by zeros, the largest size corresponds to 0000. The numbering of concave mollusks is different.牡蛎的大小用零表示,最大的牡蛎的大小为0。凹类软体动物的编号不同。 From No. 5 to No. 00, where No. XNUMX is the largest, and with an increase in the number, the size decreases.从XNUMX号到XNUMX号,其中XNUMX号是最大的,并且随着数量的增加,尺寸减小。



Oysters are also divided according to the density coefficient.牡蛎也根据密度系数进行划分。 It is understood as the ratio of the weight of the meat of 20 oysters of the same size to the weight of 20 oyster shells, multiplied by one hundred.可以理解为XNUMX个相同大小的牡蛎的肉重量与XNUMX个牡蛎壳的重量之比乘以一百。 According to this coefficient, the following types of oysters are distinguished: special, pus-unclair, special de clair, fin, fin de clair.根据这个系数,可以区分以下类型的牡蛎:特殊,牡蛎,特殊克莱尔,鳍,鳍克莱尔。

Fin de Claire的牡蛎在水族箱中还提供藻类作为补充食品。 Because of this, they are characterized by the highest fat content, as well as a slight salty aftertaste.因此,它们的特点是脂肪含量最高,回味微咸。


与贻贝不同,您无法徒手打开新鲜的牡蛎。 您还需要一把小硬钢刀和一个特殊的链甲手套才能打开它。 但是如果没有的话,可以用厨房纸巾,要保护好手以防刀滑。 戴上手套或用毛巾包裹后,用左手拿起牡蛎(分别是左撇子,右手拿)。

The mollusk is placed so that the flat or concave surface of the shell is on top.放置软体动物,使壳的平坦或凹入表面位于顶部。 The knife is inserted into the junction of the flaps and turned like a lever until it clicks.刀插入挡板的连接处,并像杠杆一样旋转直到发出喀哒声。 After opening with a knife, it is necessary to cut off the muscle holding the flaps.用刀打开后,有必要切断握住皮瓣的肌肉。 When opening the oysters, do not turn them over, otherwise juice will leak out of the shell.打开牡蛎时,请勿将其翻过来,否则汁液将从贝壳中漏出。

如果打开后,贝壳碎片留在牡蛎上,则必须用刀或叉将其除去–必须这样做,因为如果它们进入内部,则这些碎片会严重损害食道。 牡蛎通常用特殊的三齿叉从外壳上分离。 打开的贝壳堆放在冰上。



Oysters are usually served on a round dish, in the center of which is vinegar, lemon wedges and a special sauce.牡蛎通常在圆盘上盛放,中心是醋,柠檬块和特殊的调味料。 The sauce can be almost anything: sour, spicy, sweetish, based on olive oil, soy sauce or tobasco sauce, etc. Sometimes croutons and butter are added to the dish.调味料几乎可以是任何一种:酸,辣,甜味的调味料,以橄榄油,酱油或烤茄子酱等为基础。有时将油煎面包块和黄油加到这道菜中。

According to the recommendations of the overwhelming majority of sommeliers, oysters are served with dry white wine or sparkling wine (champagne).根据绝大多数侍酒师的建议,牡蛎配以干白葡萄酒或起泡酒(香槟)。 The most expressively set off the taste of almost all seafood, fish and shellfish is dry white.几乎所有海鲜,鱼和贝类中最具表现力的风味是干白。 Wine should be without a pronounced sharp taste and without too rich bouquet, slightly chilled (10-15 degrees).葡萄酒应该没有明显的尖锐的味道,并且没有太浓的香味,略微冷藏(XNUMX-XNUMX度)。 This wine is able to emphasize the exquisite taste of oysters.这种酒能够突出牡蛎的精致味道。


传统上,要购买一打贝类-12片。 不建议大量摄取,因为这样的异常饮食会导致胃部反胃。

The rules for eating oysters are quite simple.吃牡蛎的规则很简单。 Separating the clam from the flaps with a special fork, pour over it with lemon juice or cooked sauce.用特殊的叉子将蛤lam与瓣分开,然后倒入柠檬汁或煮熟的酱汁。 After that, the shell is brought to the lips, and the contents are sucked out, swallowing without chewing.之后,将贝壳拿到嘴唇上,然后将内含物吸出,吞咽而不会咀嚼。 The contents remaining in the sink are drunk.水槽中剩余的物品已喝醉。 It should be noted that a fresh oyster will react to lemon juice.应该注意的是,新鲜的牡蛎会对柠檬汁起反应。 She starts to frown a little from him.她开始对他有些皱眉。 This is another freshness test.这是另一个新鲜度测试。



Checking oysters for vitality is very simple.检查牡蛎的活力非常简单。 When opening a shell with a high-quality live mollusk, a characteristic click should be heard.用高品质的活软体动物打开外壳时,应听到有特征的咔嗒声。 The oyster itself should smell pleasantly and freshly of the sea, not dead fish, and its flesh should be transparent, not cloudy and whitish.牡蛎本身应散发出令人愉悦的新鲜海洋气味,而不是死鱼,并且其肉应透明,不混浊且发白。 If you sprinkle lemon juice on a live mollusc, you can see its response in the form of a slight twitching in the shell.如果将柠檬汁撒在活的软体动物上,您会看到壳内轻微抽搐的形式。

At home, oysters can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours;在家中,牡蛎在冰箱中的存放时间不得超过XNUMX个小时。 it is also not recommended to freeze them, since they will inevitably lose some of their useful properties.不建议冻结它们,因为它们不可避免地会失去一些有用的特性。
