

The species of oyster mushrooms are called abalone, oyster or woody mushrooms and are some of the most common edible mushrooms.牡蛎蘑菇的种类被称为鲍鱼,牡蛎或木质蘑菇,是一些最常见的食用蘑菇。 Oyster mushrooms are cultivated by humans all over the world, the mushroom is especially common among farmers and in individual households in Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa.牡蛎蘑菇是世界各地的人种植的蘑菇,在东南亚,欧洲和非洲的农民和家庭中尤为常见。


牡蛎蘑菇帽是肉质的。 首先,它是凸的,然后变得平滑。 在成熟的标本中,它具有像牡蛎一样的贝壳形状(在拉丁文ostreatus –牡蛎中)。

The surface of mushroom caps is smooth and shiny, wavy.蘑菇帽的表面光滑有光泽,呈波浪状。 At the beginning of growth, the cap is indistinguishable from the leg.在增长开始时,帽与腿是无法区分的。 It then takes on the shape of an oyster, and then turns into a spatula or fan shape as soon as the mushroom reaches maturity.然后,它变成牡蛎的形状,一旦蘑菇成熟,就变成了铲形或扇形。 A depression is formed at the top.在顶部形成凹陷。



The leg is dense and firm.腿部密实而结实。 It is thin from above, and thickens at the base.它从上方变薄,在底部变厚。 The base is covered with fine, whitish down.底座上覆盖着细腻的白色绒毛。 The place where the cap is attached to the leg is always eccentric, located away from the center.帽子固定在腿上的位置始终偏心,远离中心。



g厚,分枝,沿花序梗的一部分延伸。 ill的范围从乳白色到象牙白色和灰色。



The flesh of the mushrooms is dense but tender.蘑菇的肉很浓密但很嫩。 The color is white, the smell is pleasant, the taste is sweetish.颜色为白色,气味宜人,味甜。 The mushroom is not very aromatic and almost odorless.蘑菇不是很芳香,几乎没有气味。



The tone that the mushroom takes is brownish-dark, brownish-reddish, from black-violet to blue-blue at the final stage of fetal development.在胎儿发育的最后阶段,蘑菇所采取的语调是棕黑色,棕红色,从黑紫到蓝蓝色。 Before death, the mushroom turns pale and white.在死亡之前,蘑菇变苍白。

The leg is well developed and short.腿发达,短。 Due to the irregular cylindrical shape, the mushroom appears to be squat.由于不规则的圆柱形状,蘑菇看起来很矮。



The period of growth and collection of mushrooms is autumn-winter.蘑菇的生长和采集期是秋冬季。 Usually oyster mushrooms bear fruit in late autumn, and the growing season is extended until spring.通常牡蛎蘑菇在深秋见效,生长季节一直持续到春天。 The development is stopped by frost, but if the weather warms up, the mushroom quickly resumes growth.霜冻阻止了这种发育,但是如果天气变暖,蘑菇会迅速恢复生长。


Oyster mushroom is a saprophyte fungus and only occasionally a parasitic fungus.牡蛎蘑菇是腐生真菌,仅偶尔是寄生真菌。 It joins the stumps of poplars and mulberries.它加入了杨树和桑树的树桩。 Oyster mushrooms develop in small groups, very close to each other.牡蛎蘑菇成群分布,彼此非常靠近。 Often, mushroom caps are stacked on top of one another, like shingles on a roof.通常,蘑菇帽会彼此堆叠在一起,就像屋顶上的带状疱疹一样。

These fungi develop on trunks even at a considerable height from the ground.这些真菌即使在离地面相当高的树干上也会生长。 They grow on deciduous and rarely coniferous trees.它们生长在落叶且很少针叶树上。 Oyster mushrooms are also common in city parks, along the edges of roads and highways.牡蛎蘑菇在城市公园的道路和公路边缘也很常见。 This mushroom grows from plains to mountains and there are no difficulties in breeding oyster mushrooms.这种蘑菇从平原生长到高山,繁殖牡蛎蘑菇没有任何困难。


Oyster mushroom is widespread in many temperate and subtropical forests around the world, the mushroom does not grow in the Pacific Northwest of North America.牡蛎蘑菇在世界各地的许多温带和亚热带森林中广泛分布,该蘑菇不在北美西北太平洋生长。 It is a saprophyte that naturally decomposes dead wood, especially deciduous and beech plantings.它是一种腐生植物,可以自然分解枯木,尤其是落叶和山毛榉种植。

Oyster mushroom is also one of the few known carnivorous mushrooms.牡蛎蘑菇也是为数不多的食肉蘑菇之一。 Its mycelium kills and digests nematodes, which biologists believe is the way the fungus gets nitrogen.它的菌丝体杀死并消化线虫,生物学家认为这是真菌获取氮的方式。


This fungus most often grows on dying deciduous trees, it acts on them only saprophytic, and not parasitically.这种真菌最常生长在垂死的落叶乔木上,仅作用于腐生而不寄生。 Since the tree dies from other causes, oyster mushrooms receive a rapidly growing mass of already dead and dying wood for growth.由于树木死于其他原因,牡蛎蘑菇会迅速生长大量已经死亡和濒死的木材以供生长。 Oyster mushrooms really do benefit the forest, decompose dead wood, and return vital elements and minerals to the ecosystem in a form that can be used by other plants and organisms.牡蛎蘑菇确实确实有益于森林,分解枯木,并将重要元素和矿物质以其他植物和生物可以使用的形式返回生态系统。




食用蘑菇很令人满意,对家庭预算也有好处。 有两种方法可以种植这种蘑菇和其他蘑菇。 第一种方法是在菜园或温室中的地面上“手动”种植。 推荐的第二种方法是使用企业已经准备好在家中使用的基质(棉包)进行“工业”种植。


Fruiting Oyster Mushroom Production Blocks |牡蛎蘑菇果生产区| Southwest Mushrooms西南蘑菇

One should cut trunks in the cold season, possibly from poplar, with a diameter of more than 20 cm.一个人应该在寒冷季节切开树干,可能是白杨树,直径超过XNUMX厘米。 The winter period is important because the tree must stop growing.冬季很重要,因为树木必须停止生长。 After pruning, the stumps are stored in a shady place in an upright position awaiting use, which usually occurs between April and June.修剪后,将树桩直立放置在阴凉处,等待使用,通常在四月到六月之间发生。

then cut off 30 cm segments from the trunks, pits 1 meter wide and 120 cm deep are pulled out.然后从树干上切下15厘米的部分,挖出XNUMX米宽和XNUMX厘米深的坑。 Place a layer of mushroom mycelium on the bottom of the pit, and vertically locate trunks and placed on top.在坑的底部放置一层蘑菇菌丝体,垂直放置树干,并放在顶部。 Then another layer of mycelium and the trunk, and so on.然后是另一层菌丝体和树干,依此类推。 Cover the upper part with boards and poure a XNUMX cm layer of soil.用木板覆盖上部并倒XNUMX厘米的土壤层。

The heat and moisture that builds up inside the pit will make it easier for the mycelium to spread over the logs inside.坑内积聚的热量和水分将使菌丝体更容易散布在内部的原木上。 In September, the trunks are removed and buried one at a time by 15 cm, at a distance of 30 cm from each other.在XNUMX月,将树干分开,并一次以XNUMX厘米的距离埋入,彼​​此之间的距离为XNUMX厘米。 After about twenty days, oyster mushrooms will begin to grow, which repeats in each subsequent season.大约二十天后,牡蛎蘑菇将开始生长,并在随后的每个季节重复出现。



In this case, you should use not chopped trunks, but bags with a substrate consisting of straw from corn, wheat and legumes.在这种情况下,您不应使用切碎的行李箱,而应使用以玉米,小麦和豆类作物的秸秆为基材的袋子。 This compound is inseminated with mycelium cultures and then placed in a plastic container.该化合物用菌丝体培养物授精,然后放入塑料容器中。


Oyster mushrooms grow in cycles in bags of substrate.牡蛎蘑菇在底物袋中循环生长。 The growth period is artificially interrupted by a drop in room temperature.室温下降人为地中断了生长期。



Cooked oyster mushrooms have a smooth, oyster-like texture, and some people talk about a slight seafood flavor.煮熟的牡蛎蘑菇具有光滑,类似牡蛎的质地,有些人谈论淡淡的海鲜风味。 Gourmets believe that oyster mushrooms have a delicate aroma of anise.美食家认为牡蛎蘑菇具有八角茴香的香气。

Both flavors are subtle and generally undetectable after adding mushrooms to the main course.在主菜中加入蘑菇后,这两种味道都很微妙,通常无法检测到。 In general, oyster mushrooms have a mild taste with a slight earthy undertone.通常,牡蛎蘑菇的口味温和,带有淡淡的泥土色泽。


对蘑菇的美食兴趣归因于两个因素。 首先,它具有良好的可食用性。 其次,牡蛎蘑菇很容易生长。

Oyster mushrooms are prepared in various ways.牡蛎蘑菇的制备方法多种多样。 Baked, breaded mushrooms are quite common in many cuisines around the world.烤面包蘑菇在世界各地的许多美食中都很普遍。 As a rule, oyster mushrooms are grilled, breaded with butter, or stewed.通常,将牡蛎蘑菇烤制,涂面包屑或炖。 They also taste great when preserved in oil.当保存在油中时,它们的味道也很好。

The culinary experts recommend discarding the leg, because it is not very tender and too hard.烹饪专家建议丢弃小腿,因为它不是很嫩而且太硬。 Oyster mushrooms are cleaned and cut, like all other types of mushrooms.像其他所有类型的蘑菇一样,牡蛎蘑菇也经过清洗和切割。



Oyster mushrooms are great for panning with or without other foods.牡蛎蘑菇非常适合搭配或不搭配其他食物的平底锅。 They are also perfectly breaded as if they were cutlets, especially if they are soft young specimens.它们的面包也很完美,就好像它们是炸肉排,特别是如果它们是柔软的年轻标本。




After a few minutes of pre-cooking, you should pourers the mushrooms with mayonnaise and seasoned with parsley and finely chopped green onions.预煮几分钟后,应将蘑菇和蛋黄酱倒入蘑菇中,并加入欧芹和切碎的葱调味。 To boil oyster mushrooms for this recipe, add vinegar with salt and pepper to the water.要为此食谱煮牡蛎蘑菇,请将醋,盐和胡椒粉加到水中。 Professional chefs recommend using young specimens.专业厨师建议使用年轻标本。


Oyster mushrooms, when put in oil or vinegar, retain their fleshiness.牡蛎蘑菇放入油或醋中后,仍能保持肉质。 Thanks to this property, oyster mushrooms are suitable for fillings, rice salads and other recipes.由于这个特性,牡蛎蘑菇适合用作馅料,米饭沙拉和其他食谱。


These mushrooms are also suitable for drying and grinding.这些蘑菇也适合干燥和研磨。 In this case, it is advisable to add mushroom powders more aromatic than oyster mushrooms to the mixture.在这种情况下,建议在混合物中加入比牡蛎蘑菇更芳香的蘑菇粉。




Oyster mushrooms have a wide range of nutritional and medicinal properties.牡蛎蘑菇具有广泛的营养和药用特性。 Like most edible mushrooms, they are an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates and fiber and are low in fat.像大多数可食用的蘑菇一样,它们是蛋白质,碳水化合物和纤维的极佳来源,并且脂肪含量低。 The mineral composition of the mushrooms varies depending on the species and the substrates used.蘑菇的矿物质组成取决于所用的物种和底物。

As a rule, oyster mushrooms contain the following minerals: Ca, Mg, P, K, Fe, Na, Zn, Mn and Se.通常,牡蛎蘑菇含有以下矿物质:钙,镁,磷,钾,铁,钠,锌,锰和硒。 They are also a source of vitamins B1 and B2, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and niacin.它们也是维生素BXNUMX和BXNUMX,硫胺素,核黄素,吡ido醇和烟酸的来源。


Oyster mushrooms are considered a functional food because of their ability to have a positive effect on human health.牡蛎蘑菇被认为是功能性食品,因为它们具有对人类健康产生积极影响的能力。 Some scientific papers report on the antimicrobial and antiviral properties of oyster mushrooms.一些科学论文报道了牡蛎蘑菇的抗微生物和抗病毒特性。 Their methanol extracts inhibited the growth of Bacillus megaterium, S. aureus, E. coli, Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, and Klebsiella pneumoniae.他们的甲醇提取物抑制了巨大芽孢杆菌,金黄色葡萄球菌,大肠杆菌,光滑念珠菌,白色念珠菌和肺炎克雷伯菌的生长。

Ubiquitin, an antiviral protein, is also found in the oyster mushroom fruiting body.在牡蛎蘑菇子实体中还发现了泛素,一种抗病毒蛋白。 In particular, fungi contain ribonucleases, which destroy the genetic material of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).特别地,真菌含有核糖核酸酶,其破坏了人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的遗传物质。 The protein lectin, isolated from the oyster mushroom fruiting body, has a similar effect.从牡蛎蘑菇子实体中分离出来的蛋白质凝集素具有类似的作用。

Polysaccharides obtained from oyster mushroom mycelium demonstrate antitumor activity.从牡蛎蘑菇菌丝体获得的多糖具有抗肿瘤活性。 Doctors observed a 76% decrease in tumor cells when a polysaccharide was administered intraperitoneally from culture broth to female Swiss albino mice.医生观察到,当从培养液腹膜内向雌性瑞士白化病小鼠腹膜内施用多糖时,肿瘤细胞减少了XNUMX%。


It is noteworthy that oyster mushroom extracts showed antitumor activity against some types of sarcomas of the lung and cervix.值得注意的是,牡蛎蘑菇提取物对某些类型的肺和宫颈肉瘤具有抗肿瘤活性。 It is also reported that the level of antioxidants in the fruiting bodies is higher compared to other commercial mushrooms.还据报道,子实体中的抗氧化剂水平高于其他商用蘑菇。

Oyster mushrooms also exhibit hypolipidemic and antihyperglycemic properties.牡蛎蘑菇还具有降血脂和降血糖的特性。 Mevinolin lowers cholesterol levels.米维林可降低胆固醇水平。 In addition, a compound is produced from oyster mushrooms for use in antidiabetic medicine.另外,由牡蛎蘑菇制得的化合物用于抗糖尿病药。 A study found that oral ingestion of aqueous extracts of oyster mushrooms in diabetic mice lowered blood glucose levels.一项研究发现,在糖尿病小鼠中口服摄入牡蛎蘑菇的水提物可降低血糖水平。

Many types of oyster mushrooms have biologically active compounds such as glucans, vitamin C and phenol, which enhance the action of certain enzymes that reduce liver cell necrosis.许多类型的牡蛎蘑菇都具有生物活性化合物,例如葡聚糖,维生素C和苯酚,它们可以增强某些酶的作用,从而减少肝细胞坏死。 Oyster mushroom extracts have also been reported to lower blood pressure, have immunomodulatory and anti-aging properties.牡蛎蘑菇提取物也有降低血压,具有免疫调节和抗衰老特性的报道。




The beneficial properties of oyster mushrooms are undeniable and numerous.牡蛎蘑菇的有益特性是不可否认的且众多的。 But these mushrooms can also be harmful to humans.但是这些蘑菇也可能对人类有害。

The most obvious sign that the body does not take oyster mushrooms in large quantities is abdominal pain after a person has eaten mushrooms in any form, fried or boiled.人体不大量食用牡蛎蘑菇的最明显迹象是人吃了任何形式的蘑菇,煎炸或煮沸后的腹痛。 There are no other specific contraindications.没有其他特定的禁忌症。 Lack of restraint in food is a sign that the eater has forgotten about the sin of gluttony, and not a side effect of the mushroom.食物缺乏节制是食者忘记暴食罪的征兆,而不是蘑菇的副作用。 In large quantities, oyster mushrooms provoke bloating, increased gas production in the intestines, lead to diarrhea and other dyspeptic disorders.大量的牡蛎蘑菇引起腹胀,肠内气体产生增加,导致腹泻和其他消化不良。

All mushrooms, including oyster mushrooms, take a long time to digest in the digestive tract.所有蘑菇,包括牡蛎蘑菇,都需要很长时间才能在消化道中消化。 This is good for the body to extract more nutrients, but bad for a sensitive stomach.这有益于身体提取更多的营养,但不利于敏感的胃。 Oyster mushrooms cause pain in the epigastric region in children and the elderly.牡蛎蘑菇引起儿童和老年人上腹部的疼痛。

Oyster mushrooms are allergenic to sensitive organisms.牡蛎蘑菇对敏感生物过敏。 Therefore, they are used with caution for food allergies.因此,对于食物过敏,应谨慎使用。

