

Melissa officinalis is a perennial herbaceous essential oil plant with a pleasant lemon scent.蜜蜂花(Melissa officinalis)是多年生草本植物精油,具有令人愉悦的柠檬味。 Stems are tetrahedral, branched.茎为四面体,分支。 The flowers are irregular, white.花不规则,白色。







The corolla of the flower can be light purple, lilac, white, yellow or pink.花的花冠可以是淡紫色,淡紫色,白色,黄色或粉红色。 Flowers are connected in whorls, located in the upper part of the stem in the leaf axils.花以轮生相连,位于叶腋茎的上部。 Stem and leaves are noticeably pubescent.茎和叶明显短柔毛。 Melissa blooms all summer, the fruits ripen in autumn.梅利莎(Melissa)整个夏天开花,秋天果实成熟。

Prefers slightly moist soil, can grow on sandy soils.喜欢稍微潮湿的土壤,可以在沙质土壤上生长。 In wetlands, it often suffers from fungus and dies.在湿地中,它经常患有真菌和死亡。


Grows on forest edges, along roads, on dry banks of rivers and streams, in rural areas.在农村地区,在森林边缘,沿道路,河流和溪流的干燥河岸上生长。 Lemon balm herb is actively cultivated on an industrial scale, planted in personal plots for medicinal and decorative purposes.柠檬香脂药草以工业规模积极种植,种植在个人土地上以作药用和装饰用途。


Melissa is harvested at the beginning of flowering by cutting off the top of the plant along with the leaves.梅利莎(Melissa)是在开花开始时收获的,其方法是切下植物的顶部和叶子。 Leave at least 10 cm of the stem.离开茎至少XNUMX厘米。 Harvesting is carried out in the afternoon, in dry, sunny weather.下午在干燥,晴朗的天气下进行收获。 Lemon balm herb allows moderate pruning of young shoots, continues to grow and bloom after that.柠檬香脂药草可对幼芽进行适度修剪,然后继续生长并开花。

It is unpretentious in drying, it can be dried in the open air, in rooms with a constant air flow.它在干燥方面毫不客气,可以在露天,空气流通恒定的房间中干燥。 Lay out on the floor or hang in bunches.躺在地板上或成束悬挂。 It is necessary to protect raw materials from direct sunlight and mix.有必要保护原材料免受阳光直射和混合。

Finished herb lemon balm is stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms, in regular or chopped form.成品香草柠檬香脂以规则或切碎的形式存放在干燥,通风良好的室内。 Retains medicinal properties for 1 year.保留药物特性一年。



Melissa lowers blood pressure, slows breathing and heart rate.梅利莎(Melissa)降低血压,减慢呼吸和心率。 It is known for its diaphoretic, sedative, antifungal and bactericidal properties.它以发汗,镇静,抗真菌和杀菌性能着称。 It has antispasmodic, astringent, hypoglycemic, diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mild hypnotic effect.它具有解痉,收敛,降糖,利尿,利胆,消炎,镇痛和轻度催眠作用。


Melissa strengthens the nervous system, increases salivation, improves metabolism, appetite, and the activity of the digestive system.梅利莎(Melissa)可增强神经系统,增加唾液分泌,改善新陈代谢,食欲和消化系统的活动。 Promotes the renewal of lymph and blood, helps with headaches.促进淋巴和血液更新,有助于头痛。

Lemon balm herb is used to treat nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, with bloating, constipation, flatulence.柠檬香脂药草用于治疗神经性,心血管性,胃肠道疾病,并伴有腹胀,便秘,肠胃胀气。 Helps with gout, anemia, gum disease, dizziness, tinnitus and general weakness.帮助痛风,贫血,牙龈疾病,头晕,耳鸣和全身无力。

柠檬香脂的有益特性使其成为一种减肥剂。 该植物的茶将有助于改善新陈代谢,去除多余的液体并作为温和的泻药。 这种草药的镇静和解痉特性将通过镇静神经系统和缓解饥饿痉挛来帮助您在饮食限制中幸存下来。


梅利莎(Melissa)刺激月经,减轻痛经,帮助治疗泌尿生殖器区域的炎症,尤其是子宫疾病。 作为女性草药,它通常被称为“母本植物”。 这种草药可舒缓并调节女性身体的活动,因此适合增加性兴奋性的女性。



The herb lemon balm, according to the ancient Greeks, was the best remedy for baldness, which is still useful for men faced with this problem.根据古希腊人的说法,草药柠檬香脂是治疗秃头的最佳方法,对面临这一问题的男人仍然有用。 For women, lemon balm is used to improve hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, restore damaged roots, regulate the sebaceous glands, reduce oiliness and smooth hair along the entire length.对于女性而言,柠檬香脂可用于改善头发生长,增强毛囊,恢复受损的根部,调节皮脂腺,减少油性并使整个头发顺滑。


自疗可能对您的健康有害。 使用任何草药之前–请先征询医生的意见!


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