Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害


Cocoa butter is a natural, natural fat that does not contain any additives.可可脂是一种天然的天然脂肪,不含任何添加剂。 It is made from the seeds of the cocoa beans that grow on the chocolate tree native to South America.它是由可可豆的种子制成的,可可豆的种子生长在南美原产的巧克力树上。 A relatively new product in human history quickly gained recognition.人类历史上相对较新的产品很快获得认可。 Indeed, only at the beginning of the 19th century, after the invention of the press, they learned how to extract it.确实,仅在XNUMX世纪初,新闻界发明后,他们才学会了如何提取新闻稿。

甚至后来,科学家发现了天然可可脂的宝贵品质,它们具有300多种药用和有益特性。 16世纪发现的巧克力树被称为“众神的食物”,这并非毫无道理。 科学家声称,天然可可脂对人体具有奇效。



The discovery of America allowed the Europeans to get acquainted with the mass of previously unknown and completely irreplaceable plants today.美国的发现使欧洲人熟悉了如今未知且完全不可替代的植物。 One of them was the cocoa tree.其中之一是可可树。 The conquistadors who came to the lands of the Aztecs were amazed not only by the abundance of gold in the majestic palaces, but also by the fact that cocoa beans, outlandish for Europeans, were considered money here.来到阿兹台克人土地的征服者不仅对雄伟宫殿中的大量黄金感到惊讶,还对这里的欧洲人可可豆被认为是金钱感到惊讶。


Once in Europe, cocoa quickly became fashionable, and slaves on the plantations of South America gathered fruits for the Spanish and French nobility.进入欧洲后,可可很快流行起来,南美种植园的奴隶为西班牙和法国贵族们采摘水果。 Plantations have grown not only on the South American continent, but also appeared in Africa.人工林不仅在南美大陆生长,而且还出现在非洲。

欧洲人爱上了印度领导人的酒水,他们想到了在可可中加糖的想法,但是这让许多可可爱好者感到困惑。 一旦厨师加热了装满水的豆子,油圈就会浮到表面。


The demand for liquid chocolate grew rapidly, confectioners tried to make hard chocolate, but it was impossible to create industrial production until Konrad van Houten in 1825 decided to use not only heat, but also pressure to separate the oil.对液体巧克力的需求迅速增长,糖果制造商试图制造硬巧克力,但直到XNUMX年Konrad van Houten决定不仅使用热量而且还使用压力分离油之前,无法进行工业生产。 The experience was a success, and after three years the inventor patented a hydraulic press.经验是成功的,三年后,发明人为液压机申请了专利。

事实证明,van Houten决定将生产用于饮料的无脂粉末投入生产,从而为世界提供了更有价值的产品-可可脂。

这项发明是革命性的,因为液压机使获得油成为可能,而油很快变得比立即获得的散粉更有价值,散装粉用于生产饮料。 添加30%至40%的可可脂可将粉末变成坚硬的棒状物-现代巧克力的原型。

In the middle of the 19th century in Europe, the production of cocoa butter was in full swing, and in America the trader Girardelli found his own way in 1860. While transporting beans from Peru to the United States, he noticed that the ground beans gave up oil even to the fabric of the canvas bag.在XNUMX世纪中叶,欧洲的可可脂生产如火如荼,在美国,商人吉拉德利(Girardelli)于XNUMX年找到了自己的方式。在将豆子从秘鲁运到美国的过程中,他注意到碎豆子甚至在帆布袋的布料上加油。 The filtration method was also patented, but the van Houten method turned out to be more productive and tenacious.过滤方法也获得了专利,但是van Houten方法却变得更加高效和顽强。




Natural cocoa butter is known for its characteristic light yellow, creamy color, milk aroma with a chocolate hint.天然可可脂以其淡黄色,乳白色,牛奶香气和巧克力味而闻名。 The usual texture of the product is hard and brittle, melting easily at temperatures above 32 C. The oil completely and quickly melts, in contact with the human body, as well as in the mouth, without leaving a waxy aftertaste.产品的通常质地坚硬而脆,在高于XNUMX C的温度下容易熔化。与人体以及在口腔中接触时,油会完全,迅速地融化,而不会留下蜡状的余味。

Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害

It is used in almost all areas of the food and cosmetic industries.它几乎用于食品和化妆品工业的所有领域。 Cocoa butter is natural and deodorized.可可脂是天然的且已除臭。 Deodorized oil, unlike natural oil, has no smell, it is produced in a different way.与天然油不同,除臭油无异味,是用不同的方法生产的。 When cleaning, involving the use of chemicals, the product does not lose its useful properties.清洁过程中,涉及使用化学药品时,产品不会失去其有用的性能。


Cocoa butter is the most valuable and important component of cocoa beans.可可脂是可可豆中最有价值和最重要的成分。 It is essentially a mixture of fatty acids.它本质上是脂肪酸的混合物。 Saturated fats make up 57-64%, unsaturated fats 46-33%.饱和脂肪占XNUMX-XNUMX%,不饱和脂肪占XNUMX-XNUMX%。


  • 花生四烯酸:保护人体免受有害菌群和细菌的侵害;
  • 硬脂酸:具有很强的润肤作用;
  • 棕榈酸,月桂酸和酸:具有保湿和修复特性;
  • 亚油酸:滋养头发和皮肤;
  • 油酸:是一种强大的抗氧化剂;
  • 氨基酸;
  • 维生素A,B,F,C和E;
  • 矿物质:铁,镁,钾,碘,锌,钙,铬等;
  • 每900克热量100大卡;
  • 可可碱是一种天然抗生素。
  • 产品的成分是化学稳定的,不易受到氧化过程的影响,并随着使用而延长了产品的使用寿命。

包含苯丙胺,一种被称为爱情药的物质。 苯乙胺与恋爱中的化学物质相同。 这就是为什么巧克力被称为“幸福荷尔蒙”的原因。 而这一切都要归功于可可豆及其黄油。


未加工的未精制可可脂具有独特的“巧克力”香气。 如果需要去除自然气味,例如在白巧克力中添加某种物质,则在真空环境中对其进行蒸汽处理。

Quality beans contain up to 50% oil.优质豆类含有高达XNUMX%的油脂。 When pressed, the substance is a clear liquid, but it quickly hardens even at room temperature.按下时,该物质为透明液体,但即使在室温下也迅速硬化。 When finished, the butter is light yellow or creamy and looks like a chocolate-scented soap.完成后,黄油为淡黄色或奶油状,看起来像巧克力香皂。 You can melt the cocoa butter again by heating to body temperature.您可以通过加热到体温再次融化可可脂。



Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害

Cocoa butter is a hard vegetable fat with a light beige or yellowish tint.可可脂是一种坚硬的植物脂肪,具有浅米色或淡黄色调。 Despite its durability, the oil can deteriorate and oxidize.尽管具有耐久性,但油仍会变质和氧化。 In this case, its color changes, becoming pale, gray or completely white.在这种情况下,其颜色会改变,变成浅灰色,灰色或完全白色。

The fermented raw materials used in the production give the butter the characteristic smell of roasted cocoa beans.生产中使用的发酵原料使黄油具有烤可可豆的特征气味。 When melted, the butter melts without leaving an unpleasant greasy aftertaste.融化后,黄油融化而不会留下令人不愉快的油腻余味。

有趣的是,该油是多晶型的,也就是说,当固化时,它可以形成六种不同的晶体形式。 这反映在产品的口味特征上。 糖果店认为“β”型晶体是最佳的。

This kind of chocolate is always delicate, but it retains its shape.这种巧克力总是很精致,但仍能保持其形状。 The surface of the tiles has a glossy sheen without deposits or grease.瓷砖表面具有光泽光泽,没有沉积物或油脂。




Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害
  • 支持神经细胞(可可碱物质)的工作。
  • 提供充分的血液循环。
  • 增强免疫系统(维生素A,E,C)。
  • 有助于应对病毒性疾病。
  • 它具有祛痰特性。
  • 它具有包裹发炎组织和减轻疼痛的能力。
  • It has a positive effect on the entire body.它对整个身体都有积极作用。 It has tonic properties.它具有滋补特性。 General massage using cocoa butter is useful使用可可脂进行一般按摩很有用
  • 治愈伤口和烧伤(即使中等)。
  • 降低胆固醇水平。
  • 刺激大脑的工作,增加智力活动。
  • 改善内分泌系统。
  • Promotes weight loss by suppressing appetite.通过抑制食欲促进体重减轻。 It should be used in dosage, because it is high in calories.它应以剂量使用,因为它热量很高。
  • Treats hemorrhoids and problematic cracks in the anus.治疗痔疮和肛门有问题的裂缝。 Especially useful in case of exacerbation of the disease.在疾病加重的情况下特别有用。
  • 帮助湿疹和真菌感染。
  • 消除哺乳期间产后的妊娠纹和乳房裂痕。
  • 加强头发,去除发梢。
  • Relieves expression wrinkles.缓解表情皱纹。 Rejuvenates the skin of the face and body.振兴脸部和身体的皮肤。


The use of vegetable oils by cosmetics manufacturers has become an indisputable fact.化妆品制造商使用植物油已成为不争的事实。 A large number of studies on the properties of cocoa butter have shown that the product is able to transform our skin (especially dehydrated, dry and flaky) and hair.关于可可脂性能的大量研究表明,该产品能够改变我们的皮肤(尤其是脱水,干燥和片状)和头发。

Cocoa butter becomes especially useful for the skin in the cold autumn and winter seasons, when dry and frosty air dehydrates it.当干燥和结霜的空气使可可脂脱水时,可可脂在寒冷的秋季和冬季对皮肤特别有用。 Cocoa bean butter for the body will effectively moisturize and soften the skin, penetrate deeply into the cells, make the skin firm, smooth, elastic and nourish it with nutrients.可可豆黄油对人体有效地滋润和软化皮肤,深入渗透到细胞内,使皮肤紧致,光滑,富有弹性,并通过营养来滋养皮肤。


The product can be used by people with any skin type.该产品可供任何皮肤类型的人使用。 For owners of dry skin, experts advise to apply directly to the face (after cleansing), preferably at night.对于皮肤干燥的人,专家建议(清洁后)直接在脸上使用,最好在晚上。

For combination, normal to oily skin, it is used as a base for moisturizing cream or as a stand-alone product.混合使用时,通常用于油性皮肤,用作保湿霜的基质或独立产品。 There is no single and absolutely correct way to use oil.没有任何一种绝对绝对正确的方法来使用机油。

Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害

But there is a recommendation from cosmetologists: cocoa butter is a rich source of antioxidants and emollients.但是美容师建议:可可脂是抗氧化剂和润肤剂的丰富来源。 Use in tandem with moisturizers to increase the moisture balance of the face and optimal hydration.与保湿剂配合使用可增加面部水分平衡和最佳保湿效果。


Face scrub: mix two tablespoons of melted butter with a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of oatmeal and chopped walnuts.脸部磨砂膏:将两汤匙融化黄油与一汤匙蜂蜜,两汤匙燕麦片和切碎的核桃混合。 Apply the mixture to a wet face, massage the face for a few minutes, then rinse with water.将混合物涂在湿的脸上,按摩面部几分钟,然后用水冲洗。


Mix a tablespoon of grape seed oil, aloe juice (a tablespoon), melted cocoa butter (a teaspoon).将一汤匙葡萄籽油,芦荟汁(一汤匙),融化的可可脂(一茶匙)混合。 Apply on face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with contrasting water (warm and cold).涂于脸上XNUMX-XNUMX分钟,然后用对比水(冷热)冲洗。 The mask does an excellent job of moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin;面膜在滋润和振兴皮肤方面做得很好。

面膜:可可脂、液体蜂蜜、胡萝卜汁(每种成分 – 一茶匙)、柠檬汁(10 滴)和 1 份蛋黄混合物,轻轻涂抹于面部 15 分钟。 洗掉面膜后,用冰块擦脸。


Homemade cream contains the following ingredients: almond, rapeseed and cocoa butter, lavender and rosemary essential tinctures.自制奶油包含以下成分:杏仁,油菜籽和可可脂,薰衣草和迷迭香必需tin剂。 Mix the prepared components of the cream with each other and put in a glass jar, store in a dark place.将准备好的奶油成分相互混合,放入玻璃罐中,存放在黑暗的地方。

Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害

Unusual nourishing mask: mix one teaspoon of cocoa butter, condensed milk and any fruit juice with each other and apply on the face.不寻常的滋养面膜:将一茶匙可可脂,炼乳和任何果汁混合在一起,涂在脸上。 After holding the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with water.保持面膜XNUMX分钟后,用水冲洗。

美容师的建议:该产品具有通用性。 不要害怕将它与已知的治愈精油和草药结合使用。 用于恢复脖子,摆脱鱼尾纹,黑眼圈。 强化您的睫毛和眉毛。


A prepared mask will help to strengthen the hair, which includes: rosemary (2 tablespoons) and melted cocoa butter (3 tablespoons).准备好的面膜将有助于增强头发,其中包括:迷迭香(2大汤匙)和融化的可可脂(2大汤匙)。 Rosemary must first be infused in hot water for XNUMX hours.迷迭香必须先在热水中浸泡XNUMX小时。 The mask is applied to the hair for two hours, covered with a plastic bag and a towel.将面膜敷在头发上两个小时,并用塑料袋和毛巾盖好。 It is recommended to use a medical mask XNUMX times a week.建议每周使用XNUMX次医用口罩。


Ingredients: cocoa butter, burdock, rosemary and ginger, burdock, violet, oregano, rosehip, chamomile, calendula extracts, calamus root oil extract, cognac.成分:可可脂,牛d,迷迭香和姜,牛,紫罗兰,牛至,玫瑰果,洋甘菊,金盏花提取物,cal蒲根油提取物,干邑白兰地。 It is used for healing purposes, gentle hair care, to strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss.它用于治疗目的,温和的护发,增强发根和防止脱发。

Due to the softening properties of cocoa butter, the mask envelops the hair, prevents the ends from splitting, instantly restores damaged hair.由于可可脂的柔软特性,面膜可包裹头发,防止发端分开,立即恢复受损发质。 Use once or twice every 7 days, keeping on hair for 2 hours under plastic wrap and a towel.每XNUMX天使用一次或两次,用保鲜膜和毛巾在头发上保持XNUMX小时。


Cocoa butter – description.可可脂-说明。 Health benefits and harms健康益处和危害

Before the invention of the hydraulic press in the mid-19th century, pastry chefs mixed ground cocoa beans, honey, nuts and spices, and then pressed the resulting mass.在XNUMX世纪中叶液压机问世之前,糕点师们先将可可豆,蜂蜜,坚果和调味料混合在一起,然后压制成块。 That chocolate was not at all like modern chocolate.那巧克力根本不像现代巧克力。



The demand for the product is growing, because without this oil it is impossible to imagine slab chocolate, all kinds of sweets and bars, cakes, fondants and glaze.对产品的需求正在增长,因为如果没有这种油,就无法想象板状巧克力,各种糖果和酒吧,蛋糕,软糖和釉料。 As before, cocoa butter makes hot chocolate tender and satisfying and is added to some coffees and desserts.和以前一样,可可脂使热巧克力柔嫩而令人满意,并被添加到一些咖啡和甜点中。

And white chocolate owes its existence and name exclusively to deodorized cocoa butter.白巧克力的存在和名称完全归功于脱臭的可可脂。 In its recipe, unlike its milk or dark counterpart, there is no cocoa mass, only powdered sugar, vanilla and milk.在配方中,与牛奶或深色牛奶不同,没有可可粉,只有糖粉,香草和牛奶。


Cocoa butter can be added to drinks and desserts, milk cereals and puddings.可可脂可以添加到饮料和甜点,牛奶谷物和布丁中。 The main thing is not to allow it to heat up too much, so that the oil does not lose all its beneficial properties, but brings only joy, energy and health.最主要的是不要让它过热太多,以使油不会失去其所有有益特性,而只会带来欢乐,能量和健康。
