

金盏花是一年生草本植物,高20-50厘米。 茎直立,分枝; 花收集在带有橙红色或黄色花朵的大篮子里; 水果——瘦果。

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They have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bactericidal, antispasmodic and choleretic effects, accelerate tissue regeneration processes.它们具有抗炎,伤口愈合,杀菌,解痉和胆汁作用,可加速组织再生过程。 When used internally, it promotes the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, accelerates the healing of ulcers and erosions, exhibits a sedative, mild hypotensive effect, and helps to normalize cardiac activity.内部使用时,它可促进胃和肠粘膜的再生,加速溃疡和糜烂的愈合,具有镇静,轻度的降压作用,并有助于使心脏活动正常化。


Calendula begins to bloom in June.金盏花在六月开始开花。 With regular collection of inflorescences, flowering continues until frost, the ovary does not form.随着花序的定期收集,开花持续到霜冻为止,卵巢不形成。 The external signs of flowers may differ slightly from the standard description, because garden species, high-yield marigolds and terry varieties have been bred.花的外在迹象可能与标准描述略有不同,因为已经培育了花园种,高产万寿菊和毛圈品种。 Basically, the plant is cultivated, but because of self-sowing of seeds, wild marigolds are found.基本上是种植这种植物,但由于种子自种,因此发现了野生万寿菊。 Calendula prefers sufficiently moist soil, requires a lot of light.金盏花喜欢足够湿润的土壤,需要大量的光照。


The medicinal properties of calendula are concentrated in flowers: it is for the sake of obtaining them that the plant is cultivated as a medicinal one.金盏花的药用特性集中在花朵上:为了获得它们,将植物作为药用栽培。 Collect inflorescences during the flowering period, tearing off the baskets with blossoming flowers.在开花期收集花序,将花朵盛开的篮子摘下。 The buds are left until the next harvest.将芽留到下一次收获。 Dried indoors or in a well-shaded place.在室内或阴凉处干燥。 Spread out in a thin layer, gently mix as it dries.铺成薄薄的一层,在干燥时轻轻混合。 Raw materials are considered ready if the flower breaks up when pressed.如果花朵在压榨时破裂,则认为原材料已经准备就绪。 Calendula flowers retain all their benefits for up to a year if kept in a dark, dry place.如果将金盏花放在黑暗干燥的地方,它们的所有益处最多可以保留一年。



Calendula has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antimicrobial properties.金盏花具有抗炎,伤口愈合和抗菌性能。 Shows antiviral activity, accelerates regeneration, protects against the appearance of a coarse colloid at the site of injury, stimulates the secretory activity of the liver and biliary system, relieves spasm, lowers blood pressure.显示抗病毒活性,加速再生,防止损伤部位出现粗糙的胶体,刺激肝脏和胆汁系统的分泌活性,缓解痉挛,降低血压。

Internal intake of calendula infusion is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of erosive gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, peptic ulcer disease.金盏花输注的内部摄入被规定为糜烂性胃炎,小肠结肠炎,结肠炎,消化性溃疡疾病综合治疗的一部分。 In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, calendula officinalis serves as a choleretic agent.在肝脏和胆道疾病中,金盏花可作为霍乱剂。

Gargles from calendula flowers (marigolds) are effective against cough and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.金盏花(万寿菊)的含漱剂可有效预防上呼吸道的咳嗽和炎症。 They are used for sore throat, laryngitis, acute respiratory infections and diseases of the oral cavity: for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease.它们用于咽喉痛,喉炎,急性呼吸道感染和口腔疾病:用于口腔炎,牙龈炎,牙周疾病。

Marigold flowers are in demand in proctology.万寿菊花在直肠病学上是有需求的。 They are included in the therapeutic treatment of proctitis and paraproctitis as a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, for which the infusion is added to medicinal enemas.它们作为天然的防腐剂和消炎剂被包括在直肠炎和副肠炎的治疗中,为此输液被添加到药物灌肠中。



在治疗儿童佝偻病和瘰疬的民间医学中,给儿童注射金盏花代替茶。 他们也喝它来治疗胃灼热。 金盏花的花和叶是治疗眼睛溃烂的一部分(夜间使用敷布或乳液;对于睑缘炎,润滑受影响的区域)。

In folk medicine, marigold flowers are considered almost a universal remedy.在民间医学中,万寿菊花几乎被认为是一种普遍的疗法。 They are credited with antineoplastic properties in breast and female genital cancer.它们在乳腺癌和女性生殖器癌中具有抗肿瘤特性。 Calendula flowers are used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, spleen, liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract and atrial fibrillation.金盏花用于治疗心血管系统疾病,脾脏,肝脏,胆囊,胃肠道和心房颤动。 They are indispensable in the treatment of wounds, burns, bruises, cracked lips and nipples, eczema, thrombophlebitis.它们在伤口,烧伤,挫伤,嘴唇和乳头破裂,湿疹,血栓性静脉炎的治疗中必不可少。 In case of exacerbation of venous inflammation of the legs, first aid is a bath with calendula.如果腿部静脉炎症加剧,急救措施是用金盏花洗个澡。



万寿菊花–痤疮,痤疮,皮肤发炎的不可替代的疗法。 还可以通过滋养,调理和改善皮肤充实来达到植物的嫩肤效果。


In dietetics, calendula flowers are used as an additional means for losing weight;在饮食学中,金盏花被用作减肥的另一种手段。 they are included in drainage drinks, cleansing teas and in preparations that improve metabolism.它们被包括在排水饮料,清洁茶和改善新陈代谢的制剂中。

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