
自疗可能对您的健康有害。 使用任何草药之前–请先征询医生的意见!


Aster is a rhizome plant with simple leaf blades.紫ster是具有简单叶片的根茎植物。 Baskets-inflorescences are part of corymbose or panicle inflorescences.花篮花序是胚芽或圆锥花序的一部分。 Baskets consist of marginal reed flowers of various colors, as well as central tubular flowers, which are very small and most often have a yellow color.花篮由各种颜色的边缘芦苇花和中央管状花组成,它们很小,最常为黄色。

The aster plant (Aster) is represented by herbaceous annuals and perennials, and it belongs to the family Compositae, or Aster.紫plant植物(Aster)以一年生和多年生草本植物为代表,属于菊科(Aster)科。 According to information taken from various sources, this genus unites 200-500 species, with most of them naturally occurring in Central and North America.根据从各种来源获得的信息,该属团结了XNUMX-XNUMX个物种,其中大多数自然存在于中美洲和北美洲。


该植物于17世纪传入欧洲。 它是由法国和尚秘密从中国带来的。 拉丁文中的aster名称被翻译为“ star”。 有一种关于这朵花的中国传说,它说2名和尚决定到达恒星,他们攀爬到阿尔泰最高的山峰,经过很多天他们最终到达山顶,但恒星仍然遥不可及,难以接近。


他们在没有食物和水的艰苦道路上筋疲力尽,回到了山脚下,美丽的草甸开满了美丽的花朵。 然后一位和尚大叫:“看! 我们一直在寻找天空中的星星,它们生活在地球上! 僧侣们挖了几个灌木丛,把它们带到修道院,开始种植它们,正是他们给他们起了个星号“翠菊”。

Since that time, such flowers in China have been considered a symbol of elegance, charm, beauty and modesty.从那时起,这种鲜花在中国就被认为是优雅,魅力,美丽和谦虚的象征。 Aster is a flower of those who were born under the sign of Virgo, a symbol of the dream of the unknown, a guiding star, a talisman, a gift from God to man.紫ster是在处女座的星座下出生的人的花朵,处女座是未知梦想的象征,是指导星,护身符,是上帝赐予人类的礼物。




This flowering grass can be seen in meadows, near rivers, on the edges of the Far East and Eastern Siberia.可以在远东和西伯利亚东部的河流附近的草地上看到这种开花的草。 It is easy to recognize by its high (up to one and a half meters) strong, branched stem with small blue or pale pink flowers with a bright yellow center.它的高分枝(长达半米)很强,很容易辨认,茎干有蓝色或淡粉红色的小花,中心有明亮的黄色。

All parts of the plant are considered healing.植物的所有部分都被认为是愈合的。 For example, its flowers are rich in flavonoids, the stems and leaves are rich in the antioxidant quercetin, and the roots contain beneficial essential oils.例如,它的花富含类黄酮,茎和叶富含抗氧化剂槲皮素,根部含有有益的精油。 In addition, this herb can be considered a source of carotenoids, triterpenoids, saponins, polyacetylene compounds, and coumarins.另外,这种草药可以被认为是类胡萝卜素,三萜,皂苷,聚乙炔化合物和香豆素的来源。


A decoction of rhizomes is considered useful for asthenia, radiculitis, headache, edema, abscesses in the lungs.根茎汤被认为对虚弱,神经根炎,头痛,水肿,肺脓肿有用。 Studies have shown that Tartar Aster extract inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and dysentery.研究表明,牙石紫ster提取物可抑制金黄色葡萄球菌,大肠杆菌和痢疾的生长。



这是一种高达 40 厘米的多年生草本植物,生长在远东的西伯利亚西部和东部地区。 这种植物通常“生活”在森林中,主要是落叶林和高草丛中。 可通过其椭圆形叶子和洋甘菊状、蓝紫色或几乎白色的花朵与黄色中心识别。 像其他品种的紫苑一样,西伯利亚富含类黄酮、皂苷和香豆素。 它可用于治疗关节疼痛、消耗、湿疹、胃溃疡。



这种两年生植物也被称为寻常的黎波里。 他的家乡是高加索,西伯利亚,远东,俄罗斯联邦的欧洲部分,乌克兰大部分地区。 它是一种高大的分枝植物(高约70厘米),具披针形叶子,淡蓝色或浅粉色“花篮”。

In herbal medicine, inflorescences and plant roots, rich in flavonoids, are used.在草药中,使用了富含黄酮的花序和植物根。 Preparations from them are useful for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, as well as skin diseases.由它们制成的制剂可用于治疗胃肠道疾病,呼吸系统疾病以及皮肤疾病。



传统医学中最受欢迎的“明星”。 它的制剂可用于多种疾病:从普通的虚弱到严重的慢性疾病。 这种草药被认为可用于流感,胃炎,肺结核,结肠炎、,、骨痛,皮肤病和其他疾病。 在日本,它被称为增强效能的手段。



She is also a chamomile aster, wild or European, blue chamomile.她还是野生或欧洲的洋甘菊紫苑,蓝色洋甘菊。 Distributed in France, Italy, our country (Transcarpathia), in the southeast of Europe, west of Siberia, in Asia Minor.分布于欧洲东南部,西伯利亚以西,小亚细亚的法国,意大利,乌克兰(Transcarpathia)。 This is a plant with a high stem (more than half a meter) and large flowers, collected 10-15 in a basket inflorescence.这是一种具有高茎(超过半米)和大花的植物,在篮子花序中收集XNUMX-XNUMX。

The herb extract contains alkaloids, rubber, saponins, polyacetylene substances, coumarins.草药提取物包含生物碱,橡胶,皂苷,聚乙炔物质,香豆素。 As a medicine, it is useful for nervous disorders, dermatitis, indigestion, pulmonary diseases.作为药物,它可用于神经疾病,皮炎,消化不良,肺部疾病。



From the point of view of botany, it is not a kind of real asters (although it belongs to the Aster family), but is the only representative of the Callistefus genus.从植物学的角度来看,它不是真正的紫苑(尽管它属于Aster家族),而是Callistefus属的唯一代表。 In everyday life, this plant is better known as an annual, garden or Chinese aster.在日常生活中,这种植物以一年生,花园或中国翠菊而闻名。

而花坛和阳台上经常种植的,正是这颗一年生的“星星”。 只有淡紫色的花朵被认为具有治疗作用。 它们在中国和日本用于治疗支气管炎、气管炎、肺结核、肾脏和肝脏疾病。



In folk practice, asters have been used for treatment for several centuries.在民间实践中,紫苑已经用于治疗了几个世纪。 In particular, in China, Korea and Japan, this plant is used for diseases of the heart, kidneys and lungs.特别是在中国,韩国和日本,这种植物被用于治疗心脏,肾脏和肺部疾病。 The petals are added to salads to improve blood circulation, prevent dizziness and weakness, as a bone-strengthening agent and prevent nervous breakdowns.将花瓣添加到色拉中以改善血液循环,防止头晕和虚弱,作为骨增强剂并防止神经衰弱。

Elderly people were advised to take alcoholic tinctures from asters as a general tonic and against aching bones.建议老年人服用紫酒作为一般补品,并防止骨头酸痛。 Previously, before giving birth, a woman was given an infusion of aster petals and honey.以前,在分娩之前,曾为一名妇女注入紫苑花瓣和蜂蜜。 They say that this remedy of Tibetan healers has always facilitated childbirth and prevented bleeding.他们说,藏医的这种治疗方法始终促进了分娩并防止了流血。

为了治疗支气管炎,民间治疗师过去经常使用植物的叶子或花朵的水浸液(4茶匙–一升沸腾的水,静置一个小时)。 每天将一汤匙的药酒喝3-4次。

You can also relieve a dry cough with a decoction of aster roots.您也可以用紫aster汤减轻干咳。 To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the chopped root and cook over very low heat for 15 minutes.为此,将150毫升沸水倒入XNUMX汤匙切碎的根中,并用非常低的热量烹饪XNUMX分钟。 A chilled drink is taken three times a day, XNUMX ml.每天喝三杯冰镇的饮料XNUMX毫升。

The infusion from the ground part of the plant is also useful for external use.从植物的地下部分注入的液体也可用于外部使用。 For example, with furunculosis, all sorts of inflammations on the skin and dermatitis, it is useful to make aster lotions.例如,患有糠疹,皮肤和皮炎上的各种炎症,制造紫洗剂非常有用。 The medicine is prepared from a tablespoon of dry crushed plants and a glass of hot water.该药是由一汤匙干碎植物和一杯热水制备的。 The mixture is boiled for no longer than 3 minutes, then infused for several hours.将混合物煮沸不超过XNUMX分钟,然后注入数小时。



Asters are used in herbal medicine and folk medicine.紫苑用于草药和民间医学。 But in order for the herb to give the desired healing effect, it is important to know when and how to properly harvest the raw materials.但是,为了使草药具有理想的治疗效果,重要的是要知道何时以及如何正确收获原材料。 Different recipes may require different parts of the plant, so as a rule, herbalists harvest all the parts: flowers, stems, leaves and roots.不同的食谱可能需要植物的不同部分,因此,中医通常会收获所有部分:花,茎,叶和根。

花序一开始开花就最好收获,而花瓣又新鲜又明亮。 然后,将彩色的头均匀地铺在纸上,放在温暖的地方,避免阳光直射(例如,在阁楼或树冠下的室外)。

在开花期,收获植物的其他地面部分。 根据与花相同的原理干燥它们,但必须与花序分开干燥。 翠菊的根部是在秋天收获的,那时该植物已经开始为冬天的“冬眠”做准备。 正是在这个时候,最大量的养分集中在根部。


自疗可能对您的健康有害。 使用任何草药之前–请先征询医生的意见!


  1. 你好
    Vous parlez de beaucoup d'asters mais de l'aster lancéolé…Peu-on l'utiliser a des fins médicinales ? Et sous quelles formes ?
